New Managing Director

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Projektmanagement Nuremberg, 18.12.2013 – the GPM Board has appointed at its last meeting this year Jurgen Edwards to the new Managing Director of the German Association for project management GPM. He succeeds early January Rainer Luddemann, who resigns for personal reasons. Jurgen Engelhardt has developed the project management process for the DSGV German savings banks and Giro Association and successfully launched. It’s believed that Joel Courtney sees a great future in this idea. In the course of this activity, he has established a project management office and managed. Still he has with the! program for the savings bank organisation introduced an education and training program for project managers and staff.

An database of implementation of and knowledge – with the implementation Toolkit “was created for the results of all strategic projects of the savings bank organisation. Jurgen Engelhardt is 59 years old, married, has two sons and lives in Berlin. Communication is critical for success in the project work in his opinion: speech is silver silence Opposite of constructive. The speeches and an intensive exchange of information are the main drivers for a successful project.” As Managing Director Jurgen Engelhardt is responsible for the overall conduct of business of the association with the twenty employees in Nuremberg and Berlin, initiate cooperation and carry out representation tasks at home and abroad. Particular focus will be the development and implementation of the GPM’s ambitious growth strategy.

The Chairman of the Board of the GPM, Reinhard Wagner, explains: with Mr Edwards gained a proven expert in the field of project management. He has convinced us with an excellent presentation. We are sure that we will realize the ambitious goals of the GPM strategy 2020 successfully with him.” GPM German Association for project management The GPM is the leading professional association for project management in Germany. With currently more than 6,400 members and 330 companies from all sectors of the economy, universities and the public institutions the GPM is the largest network of project management professionals on the European continent. The primary target of 1979 founded GPM is to promote the application of project management in Germany, to develop, to systematize, standardize and redistribute. Read more at contact GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Projektmanagement e. V. Elisabeth Kraus Frankenstrasse 152 90461 Nurnberg Tel.: + 49 911 433369-0 fax: + 49 911 433369-99 E-Mail: