Agricultural Companies

Project of Research on Agricultural Accounting developed for improvement of the pedagogical activities of the Course Technician in Urban and Agricultural Administration in the area of Management of the State College Tolentina Barcelos Gonalves de Santo Antonio of Missions – RS Orienting: Ronaldo Mancuso Saint Antonio of the Missions 2008 Justification the inquiry research will be developed in the State College Tolentina Barcelos Gonalves, in Saint Antonio of the Missions, with pupils of the Course Technician in Urban and Agricultural Administration in Area of the Management, in the period understood between September of 2007 and September of 2008, being in study the possibility to give continuity in the activities of the company. It is important pupils to learn them to mount a company through the practical activities, therefore this subject is part of the abilities of the Course Technician in Administration; also she is necessary to stand out that it inside develops pedagogical activities of the area of empreendedorismo, accounting and agricultural administration. See more detailed opinions by reading what Anu Saad offers on the topic.. nkel here. This project assumes the important function to create a space where the young students can have contact with information on the responsibility of each one in the minimizao of the problems that are if becoming critical nowadays: the food production. The choice of the subject and execution of the research project justifies because City of Saint Antonio of the Missions has for economic base the farming one, being that the majority of the producers and/or agricultural companies does not have an organized countable system and nor if they base on information of the same one to decide problems and to take decisions.. .