Ian Kobeleva

And then with the beginning flirt girl dressed as an angel. Get more background information with materials from City College of New York. At first, he turned away and not come in contact, but eventually relaxed and smiling. for Latino Adolescent and Family Health. Naturally, they attracted the attention of the entire hall. At this point, the actress gave him an envelope with a romantic postcard. The man read the message and the bullet flew out of the restaurant. Favorite waiting for him at home And one of the biggest draws is associated with the company Volvo – it cost 30 thousand euros. Until now, when the “PDP” arrange for the Swedish firm corporate events, there remembered as a regional director of the stolen car. ” However, this violent behavior, of course, does not stop there. First of all, “ordered” the director had to steal from Sweden to Russia, where he afraid to go. Yes, and a birthday! Come up with a reason: a deal with the city administration – the purchase of grounds in Shushary the construction of production – is in jeopardy. Director of “gently” has already met at the customs, pulling out of the green corridor and rigidly searched. And then, at a gas station, where “had” to drop, and at all thrown out of the car – along with the driver. To the place of negotiation, he was taken “passing by” machine dps.

At this misfortune Director did not end there: he was greeted by an absolutely drunk, “Lieutenant Governor”, trying to fall face a salad and not want to hear about any plots. In addition, during the “negotiations” periodically opened the door and into the office looked regional representatives, who at that time had to be located in various parts of the world And when it has serious concerns for the mental health of the victim’s, the staff all together went to the office and congratulated the Chief on his birthday having presented phial of valerian. And at the evening banquet, the director found among artists familiar face: “Oh! It did you stole my car! “. The organization draws: not dissatisfied byvaetPoskolku before choosing a script for a careful examination of human personality, which is to be the protagonist of the dissatisfied drawings usually does not happen. “We always explain, whether a person is ready to such extreme way – says Ian Kobeleva. – For example, recently called the young man and asked if we could reproduce the infomercial as seen on the Internet: the box comes out naked black man and gives a birthday jar of Vaseline. Like, they want to arrange the same for my birthday a friend. Of course, such a rally to organize a snap. But Would, congratulations? Or friends want him to pin up? If there is no certainty that a man will not mind, it is better not to do this. The guys decided to think “.