Romanas – You

The new album by the Romanas – you have my word what can happen so if a quality manager and a Managing Director meet they make music and that with increasing success! In 2007 to run Christian Frey and Wilfried Beyer on the way and found a short time later the folk pop duo the Romanas\”. Credit: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.-2011. \”The name of the band the Romanas\” we came across by chance. It was nice, pleasant-sounding name, which can be melodic and warm pronounce and expresses exactly the characteristic style of music, which we want to present\”, Christian notes. This self assessment is by no means high. Finally apply the Romanas\”already now as the author of a new wave of romanticism in the German Schlager. Christian and Wilfried were already are childhood with body and musicians could not survive however alone soul of the art. And as befits down-to-Earth Swabia at the best age, the profession was always the means to an end in this case, to make the music. And so the two in the last year and a half spent many common hours in the recording studio after the great music career somewhat closer to her dream.

Quite a few, well-deserved Hotel were sacrificed, several hundred cups of coffee drunk as well as quite a few discussions about sound and lyrics. All this resulted finally in a true male friendship and brought forth worth listening compositions. Put in their songs\”especially on true feelings the Romanas and comprehensible longings. To Wilfried: our music is a mixture of catchy melodies with popular character and stories from everyday of people. Much is autobiographical in nature and thus actually lived.\” And this wealth of experience is even impressively reflected in their music. The Romanas give on their album, released on May 29, 2009 you have my word\”,\” their musical skills to the best. You love only once by a thoughtful downbeat\”up to a highly emotional \”\” Today is your day, make it the Romanas\”playful, to seduce the listener into a world of romance and peace of mind.