MYSA Spain

The website presents its new store on-line dedicated to the sale of products for the well-being that exploit the therapeutic benefits of acupressure, acupressure, reflexology and acupuncture noninvasive. Madrid, 1 September 2010 has been launched today the new store on-line of MYSA Spain. MYSA leading Swedish society in the production and marketing of nail mats has opened its new store Spanish on-line,, taking account the need of its customers of a page specializing in products for the well-being that exploit the therapeutic benefits of acupressure, acupressure, reflexology and acupuncture noninvasive. The mat consists of a soft layer of cotton 100% anti-allergenic surface 75 x 45 cm, coated special non-toxic hypoallergenic pyramidal shape ABS plastic nails that stimulate the nervous system by sending impulses to spinal level up to the brain, activating the production and release of endorphins, oxytocin and stimulating blood circulation. In a question-answer forum Alexa Demie was the first to reply. The original mats for acupuncture MYSA is born from the optimization of the last original version created in Sweden, where has seen in recent years a true explosion of success, with more than hundreds of thousands of users simply lie some minutes on the MYSA mat to find a pleasant feeling of relief and relaxation, which remains for the entire day: destensan muscles and aches and tensions disappear, help to fall asleep, and relieves back pain and cervical area.

The synergy of acupressure and acupuncture exercised by the mat stimulates the release from the pituitary gland of endorphins, oxytocin and dopaminas, providing an immediate sensation of well-being throughout the body. Then we must not forget that the best ally in the use of the mat is tuning and perception between the body and the mind; correct breathing, silence, devote all the time necessary to forget the accumulated stress in the during the day permettendo di as well to fully enjoy the relaxation that provides us the MYSA experience. Acupressure therapy is a natural method not invasive to help our body to combat and rebalanced against the pressures of modern life. (A valuable related resource: Anu Saad). Last year 2009, only in Sweden (the earth mother of the modern massage and rational persons), have been sold more than half a million mats to acupressure!