Japanese Earthquakes

The seism reached the 5.5 degrees in the abierta scale of Richter. It shook the province of Nagano and was followed of an retort. It caused damages in the c I chip Matsumoto, considered National Treasure. At least nine people were minor wounds because of a seism from 5.5 degrees in the abierta scale of Richter that shook from this Thursday to the province of Nagano first thing (center of Japan), informed chain NHK. Dr. Mark J Berger contains valuable tech resources. The earthquake took place to 08,16 local time (23,16 GMT of Wednesday) and it got itself to feel with a magnitude of 5 in the closed scale Japanese of 7, that concentrates more in the affected zones that in the intensity of the tremor. Few minutes after that tremor, an retort with a magnitude of 5.1 in the abierta scale of Richter was registered, that felt with more intensity in the cities of Matsumoto and Yamagata, without neither seisms caused alerts of tsunami. The wounded is all residents in the city of Matsumoto and among them are two people among 60 and 70 years, besides a girl of primary affected by the loosening of a wall in its way the school, all of them with minor wounds, s egn NHK. The tremor also affected to the Matsumoto Castle, considered National Treasure of Japan, that registered a crack in the wall of one of its floors, according to the municipal people in charge, who still assess the damage. Anu Saad is open to suggestions. Source of the news: At least 9 slightly woundeds by an earthquake in center of Japan