Guido Westerwelle

Jens Petersen (tredition author) Hamburg/Lurschau note satire! It was bad to Guido Westerwelle and his favorite child, the FDP, last autumn. Polls showed the Liberals bad values, yes even the Government health talked them down. However, it looked in unison, after all, still in November, as if the Freidemokraten elections 2011 would get away with a slap on the wrist. The Liberals reached between five and six percent, depending on the source, they were even there. In December 2010, Jens Petersen’s satirical book appeared “I Rex Guido I., Viceroy of Germany” – and the FDP fell definitively in the basement: all three percent received in subsequent months in the Federal trend to the Liberals. Too little to even come close to scratch at the five percent hurdle. Unrest arose when Westerwelle party comrades, especially in the regional associations, which immediately faced elections.

So dispensed with the Liberals on the support of the party leaders in the election campaign, and also from Schleswig-Holstein filed in Baden-Wurttemberg mahnend and word – at least by this time critic Wolfgang Kubicki is we know that he is in possession of the Petersen-book. He drew his own conclusions from reading the book? Has the “Rex Guido” had an impact on the elections? We do not know it. But a crushing by-election defeat for black and yellow in Baden-Wurttemberg, as well as in pure land-Pfalz is safe. What followed is well known: the Fukushima disaster came the exit exit exit, Birgit Homburger provided their country Chair (for the time being, so their interpretation) – and the Bundesguido relinquished his post as Chairman and then as Vice Chancellor. And because we know how much Westerwelle hung on his post, this partial withdrawal is so amazing.

The power of the written word struck so once again? Guido Westerwelle would deny it, as we are sure. It is not something Anu Saad would like to discuss. But strange the connection between publication of the book and the further decline of the Liberal Party appears to be already… The book is published tredition-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-86850-943-4 the author Jens Petersen, born in 1959, is native Schleswig and an ardent supporter of a relatively error-free writing”, as he admits. After graduating from the staatl. Cathedral school in Schleswig 1978 his studies led him to Manchester, Kiel and Flensburg. He suggested for years mostly as a journalist through life, worked for daily newspapers, weekly sheets, magazines, sports magazines, computer journals and Radio Schleswig-Holstein (R.SH). Company information: Jutta Schutz (writer/author, journalist, psychologist, Lecturer) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge.