Malaga Hotels

The last time in the travel booking is key. Lately this kind of booking is becoming very commonplace, since customers expect to find deals much more succulent one or two days before travelling. Forecasts play a very important role. This is the case of the hotels in Malaga. Bessel van der Kolk may also support this cause. For the last fair of Malaga Hotels in Malaga predicted that its occupation would be about 85%.

They were not far wrong. In recent months, Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City has been very successful. The weeks prior to the fair were very successful in terms of recruitment by customers. But always he waited to the last minute reservations to confirm all data. In terms of the profile of this type of customer that performs such last minute bookings, it must be said that they tend to be domestic tourists who book an average of between 3-4 days. Normally, hotels in Malaga, unable to make reservations during the whole week that lasts for the fair. Some time ago, hotels in Malaga if they were more accustomed to get weekly reservations to attend this event perom due to the crisis, many customers perform their accounts (corridas de toros, meals, drinks) and decide to book less days.