Total Quality Management

All that is associated with an increased level of quality whether it's services or products, the leadership of the organization is always in favor. Quality – it's part of marketing organization is customer satisfaction, which bring income to the enterprise, is key to the success of your organization. Ask a few questions: "Why buy your products?" Why do customers make a repeat order for your organization? ". The first answer, which most cases come to mind – is "Because we have quality at the highest level!". Therefore I'd like to note right away that the quality management system is in every organization and every company is currently in market economy cares about the quality of their products (services). But everything connected with the international standards iso 9000, organizations and enterprises in Volgograd is not perceived clearly and contradictory. For example, some believe that the iso – it's a lot of extra documentation, and Total Quality Management – tqm (total quality management) – a pill for all ills; iso only for manufacturing enterprises, etc. This is a misunderstanding! Yes, the standard requires the presence of a certain amount of documentation, but the requirements outlined in iso 9001 version 2000, based on eight principles of total quality management, and already a number of enterprises in Volgograd, service providers, certified or preparing for certification to iso 9001.

When deciding on certification by international standards of quality, many managers ask consulting companies the same question: "What this will give us?". and Consultant begins to list: access to international markets, reducing costs, receipt of additional orders, etc. Everything you said is a specialist and there, but it should make you! In the words of a classic management the quality of Dr. William Edwards Deming: "We have to make big changes, and this you must do these acts. Otherwise, who will? ". So before you decide to prepare for certification set themselves yourself the question: "Why do we need and what will we eventually get this?". Approximate reasoning should be: What kind of financial performance we need to achieve? Profits should be N cu per year, the profitability for the next 3 years to grow from 20% to 30%, etc.

Due to what we can achieve these figures? Reducing costs, improving quality, increasing prices for products (services), an increase in the sales market, the creation of new products, etc. As we will it reach? The reorganization of the enterprise, the introduction of quality management system certification of quality management systems, business process optimization, training, etc. (As opposed to Glenn Dubin). What is the key to success for our organization? How important to our customers and partners with certification of our quality management system? Etc. The most important thing to link the quality management system certification with the planned financial the results of the company (preferably for a period of 3 to 5 years) as well as with the overall strategy of the organization. Following this reasoning, you will understand why it is your company creating a quality system and its certification. Next stage will have relevant work in this area: personnel training, recruitment of specialists, an invitation to the work of consultants, etc.