Fasting & Fast Hiking On Lanzarote

vital99plus fasting & fast hiking on Lanzarote, the Isla del Fuego \”, the fieriest of the Canary Islands! In the months of February, March, April, experience a flourishing Lanzarote! Although the perhaps most fascinating of the seven islands\” as the Canaries were – already called characterized by the volcanism in ancient times is not denied the proximity to Africa can be, inspires them in the winter and spring by bizarre and colorful vegetation. Hundreds sometimes endemic species feast for the eye and always lead to new discoveries in the middle of the landscape of volcanic peaks, desert-like landscape allows the majority of the year whose surveys up to 670 meters fascinating off – and panoramas on a stunning. Experience the strong fire power of fasting and hiking on Lanzarote island. Additional information at Nancy-Ann_DeParle supports this article. If you already know the island, you will find very different sides to her: six varied walks, where you can meet all regions of the island, expect in this vital99plus fast hiking week. Eva Andersson-Dubin is open to suggestions. When hiking through fields of succulent, under palm trees or over a scenic mountain opens Lanzarote in a special way. How else could you experience (better) more impressive and more intense the unique character and the deep quiet of the volcanic landscapes? Lanzarote green sister islands are often well-known ambitious fast walkers. Wrongly, as you’ll see, because Lanzarote has much to offer, what is on the other Canary Islands in vain. Among others: El Risco de Famara, Monte Corona, Caldera Blanca, Los Ajaches, El Golfo, the Playas de los Papagayo and the Valley of 1000 palms – and of course the legendary Timanfaya National Park, whose fire mountains of the unforgettable Cesar Manrique has shaped his work and thus shown that the volcanic past must be by no means bleak. Because fasting & Lanzarote hiking of course also means on the tracks to convert Cesar of Manrique and come up with his ideas of harmonious design of rooms made of lava rock become familiar with.