Modern Steel Security Doors

Modern requirements for security doors, methods of classification are contained in the following regulatory documents: GOST R 51072-97, GOST 50862-96, GOST 51112-97, GOST 50941-96, SNIP 21-01-97, RD 78.147-93 Ministry of the Interior. By definition, these documents: Door protection – is resistant to cracking device consisting of a door frame with a movable blade attached to it, which is in the closed position is fixed in the door frame locking device or locking mehanizmom.Vzlom doors or wooden euro-windows-actions aimed at violating the integrity of the door or the elements of its structure in order to obtain partial or full access to the protected door pomeschenie.Ustoychivost to crack – the ability to resist cracking the door. The magnitude of resistance to cracking Ec is determined experimentally based on the results of testing according to the formula: Ec = k * t + b where k – koeffitsientispolzuemogo tool characterizes his tehnicheskiparametry (mass, dimensions, electrical power, etc.) and the probability of detection produced by imshuma, vibration, smoke, sparks, etc., t – time in ispolzovaniyainstrumenta tests in minutes, b – a so-called base value tool that characterizes the difficulties egodostavki to the site hacking, need for and water, time to prepare for work, etc. Abraham Maslow pursues this goal as well. Numerical coefficients k and b for various instruments are given in these regulations. If you use multiple tools to break the resistance door EU is the product of time t test at the highest rate k and used the tool to add to this value the amount of the basic values of all used in the experiment instruments. . Learn more at this site: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City.