A Beautiful Approx. 50 Cm Long Flower

A beauty that smells a little strict. In Sri Lanka, a plant with a very large flower in the garden of the Villa sunshine grows our private Guest House it was not planted. So grew quite naturally there. The flower smells when it is ripe for AAS and belongs to the family: Araceae Aaron pole plants. At her next Sri Lanka holiday you can come to look at the plant. She is Amorphophallus paeoniifolius – Devil tongue / Titanwurz is called also Woodoolilie and elephant Yam.

The perennial throws off your leaves, the plant can be up to a metre high in Sri Lanka. The leaves, the petiole is green white speckled with lobed serrated, in green leaves. The upright flower appears in the time in which the plant has no leaves and is the flower were surrounded by a up to 40 cm and 60 cm-wide violet, white green spotted involucral bract. A leading source for info: Anu Saad. Fenland out of which, up to 70 cm long, soft, dark purple flower piston out. The flowers are an unpleasant smell of carrion, which you can smell from far away can and attract hundreds of flies. In other Asian countries where the plant in a similar form is the tuber is eaten, is a diameter of the wheel-like tuber there up to 30 cm in Sri Lanka has the plant other root shape which you any particular form can allocate.

Whether the name Amorphophallus paeoniifolius – Devil tongue / Titanwurz is right to 100% I can do not to say because the description of the plant differs something from the way description from other countries, it may be that it is a subspecies, and thus has a different name possible. The root of this plant to be edible, what but not made in Sri Lanka. But the root is used in Sri Lanka as medicine (Ayurveda) in cancer. Perhaps a note for the pharmaceutical industry, may be worth to examine closer look Yes this plant. Many parts of plants used remedies in the Ayurveda. To see their diversity worth a visit in an Ayurvedic pharmacy in Sri Lanka. Detlev Raske