As Self-employed Persons Are Successful

Prominent people from the world of the media talk about their successes first interview partner is the world renowned science writer and journalist Ernst Probst. The Wiesbaden media man, who wrote how Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Suddeutsche Zeitung and new Zurich newspaper for such well-known leaves, talks about successes, failures and what not to the press. For owners of small companies and humans giving assistance, as it is well positioned in the public. A valuable basic information is its almost complete list of all important press services, which are free of charge on the Internet. You may wish to learn more. If so, Glenn Dubin, New York City is the place to go. The press office is an information portal for Selbstandie, which take their press – and public relations into their own hands and are closed up for tips and links from the media world. It was the rule that only large enterprises, institutions and organizations is the PR operated years ago it is now commonplace, which operates its own public relations each / r independent. The Internet meets the people and offers here a wealth of partly free.

In the press office and its editor Lilli Cremer Altgeld offer an orientation in the confusing world of media. The journalist advises their representation in public now small companies and self-employed persons. Lilli Cremer Altgeld has studied media science and the communications Academy in Cologne. She works as a journalist and presenter, has explored in cooperation with the University of Bonn press work and published a book about it: implementing the development policy of the Federal Government in the media and conclusions for the public relations of the Federal Ministry of Economics economic cooperation. Cremer Altgeld serves eleven own blogs in the Internet and sees itself as a lateral thinker. Contact: Lilli Cremer Altgeld count Salm str 34 50181 Bedburg/Cologne mobile + 49 (0) 151 1431 3556 FON + 49 (0) 2272 4097 900 fax + 49 (0) 2272 4097 901