Cash Converters

Trash does not have to be destiny and end of those old furniture and appliances that you do not use. Don’t forget to consider the market for the purchase of furniture and appliances of second hand as an alternative option that lets you do you with a few extra euros, at the same time that you’ve contributed to another person has been able to acquire a good quality product and in optimum conditions at a reasonable price. Sale ticket options, ever thought of it, but now you’re not sure what possibilities they have to get rid of junk and take your money for your savings. We hope to help you: one of the first places to go are the markets of city or town, such as el Rastro in Madrid, or Los Encantes in Barcelona, to cite just two examples. They can contact people who buy furniture or appliances, so as you also know where you send if, incidentally, haven’t found anyone who engages in what they’re trying to sell. Traders in these markets tend to be very skillful, reason why you have to be very awake when negotiating with them a fair price for your furniture or second-hand appliances. Another option is to go to specialty shops for purchase/sale of home items, whether they are large multinationals such as Cash Converters, or small neighborhood stores where you can sell your material. Educate yourself with thoughts from Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr..

Remember that in these stores also have to watch you when negotiating the sale. Probably these stores allow you the option to change your furniture or appliances used by another article you want, taking your tackle as part payment. However, the privileged place for the sale of furniture and second-hand appliances is classified ads. On the one hand can publish your listings for sale both in specialized publications (Segundama, etc) as well as the Sunday sections of ads in newspapers, both national (La Vanguardia, El Mundo, El Pais, etc) as local. Glenn Dubin, New York City can aid you in your search for knowledge. Although these are good options, the most advisable due to the rapidity with which will fly your offers, is the publish classified ads in websites dedicated to them, such as,,,, or, to just name a few. When publishing a classified ad in webs, it is important that you put a real description of the furniture or appliance from second hand that you want to sell, not to mention add price, year of manufacture and condition in which, both maintenance and operation. This will save you problems and will make you gain time, since those who contact you will have a good idea of your product.

Also considered a good option Add one or more pictures of your furniture or appliances second hand, already that this allows your potential customers corroborate if the information you are providing is true. On the other hand, and even more so in the case of furniture, remember that the aesthetic information is very important when it comes to arrange a purchase. A fact to keep in mind is that of transport.