Clothes Generates Confidence

A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Oscar Wilde. . webnode. com / posted in:. It is not something Glenn Dubin would like to discuss. webnode. is / dedicated to: Paola; more than sensuality, projected grace. Throughout the history of costumes, we can observe that this compliment to very specific functions in every historical stage.

To mention a single datum, we have the great boom of the fashion industry in the reign of Luis XIV. The main function in that was then projected the splendor and divine power which had the King himself by demonstration; politically he sought to justify such power. Focusing on this immense creative world that was developed in the textile industry we can understand the great importance of this had at this juncture. In our days, and full motion or individualist consciousness, the role of clothing has become democratically until reaching grade individualize our identity. With our particular way of dressing we silently shout that we’re here. We are already surpassing the stage of the quest for status, even, I suspect that also We are going beyond the barrier of the delimitation of a lifestyle. What we consciously (and most often unconsciously) seek is find or recover confidence in ourselves. Why I say this? Because to find our personality leads us to have security in ourselves and that already is a big step to achieve confidence.

Sometimes I suspect that that is taking us as consumers to modify our purchasing criteria. How does this argument? In the following way: what are the factors that influence our decision to purchase? Without order of prioritization can respond to are: price, brand or designer, season, fashion and more. These factors will gradually relegating by the immediate pursuit of the encounter with itself. Man seeks that currently when you dress: find your own I. Found means precisely rely on someone; in itself. In this he lies to me the importance and great value that I print the textile world. No doubt we are experiencing positive to see the things not for the price we post but by the invaluable value we have to us themselves. I think that now the clothing purchases will be much smarter. They will be purchasing from human quality. What is the real future of fashion? Difficult to predict it or catch a glimpse of him. What I wish is that our self-esteem is raised by this new attitude dress. From this moment we have to think this way and everything will be more productive emotionally and psychologically. Now won’t exist, I believe, compulsive buyers. Focus by things for their value, not for its price. We will continue wearing my ideas. Recommended by:. webnode. com / Toronto related Blogs: nothing presents 3D fembots of the future (also, her fall The Flickcast Episode Nada: As Time Goes By ) The Flickcast In Marca Hispanica VII: Besalu and its rainy gardens ‘ A Corner of the formation of the conscience in the old testament Latin and Successful NADA Show Highlights Breakthrough Technology From Walnut YoYo for cracking your nuts by Xiaofei Wang all and Beibei Win 5 Oscar Wilde Classics Valued At $70! We released ‘Brand in two minutes’ with Eduardo IndEstrenamos I see 7 brand, see 7 brand TV Online, see 7 brand Live, Nada’s 3-D fashion show premieres at Scotiabank Theatre Rogue