Endangered Reptiles On The Roof Of The World

About 100 species of reptiles and 50 species of amphibians live in Nepal. It is believed here other, previously unknown species, but their discovery is a race against time. Nepal, the average highest country in the world, has far more to offer, as Sherpas and base camp trekking tours. In the South, on the border with India, and in the core can be found subtropical and tropical jungle regions with elevations between 70 and 2750 metres. Michio Kaku will not settle for partial explanations. This flat and very fertile areas have the highest biodiversity of the country, including about 100 reptiles and 50 species of amphibians. For more specific information, check out Glenn Dubin.

Many are endemic, so only here. It is believed here other, previously unknown species, but their discovery is a race against time. In many places already, commercial hunting and Habitat loss led to a dramatic decline in stocks. Especially the turtle fauna is under threat”, says Professor Rudolf Hoffmann, zoologist at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munich. So not a free landlebend proof of the yellow head – tortoise succeeded in ten years, although their tanks numerous masks processed in Kathmandu for sale offered or the animals kept dahinsiechend then in temples. Many animals end up as contraband for para-medical purposes in Bangladesh, India, and especially in China.

Strong demand comes from China edible animals. That seems like a vacuum cleaner in a kind of disappears after the other”, Hoffmann complained. Especially the meat-containing, large turtles such as the Ganges River Turtle or the short head turtle caught like within protected areas and national parks. The fishers use traps, nets, Spears or big hooks, which counteract the animals and then miserably it perish. The animals are caught, killed or die on long transports. It processed only Indian roof turtle or three keel Earth turtles in Kathmandu, to sell the nicely drawn and colored tanks in all variations to tourists. Still one despite massive information campaigns and more stringent customs controls will find such holiday souvenirs” Cakes. But not only the turtles are affected. Erosion, declining soil fertility and high population growth of 2.6 percent, coupled with an increasing lack of wood, the most important energy sources at the village level, cause more and more grass and forest land is converted into arable land, and plantations. So there are becoming less frequent Newt species living Tiger Python, King Cobra, or the 15-to 20-inch crocodile Newt – the only one in the Indian subcontinent – in the wild.