Ordered o rings engagement rings, may be the most important jewels in a couple’s life. On the one hand the meaning for who receives it (the fiancee) is definitive because, since it produces one much personal change as social in their personal situation. On the other hand, which gives it (fiance) surely is facing for the first time the purchase of a jewel of special importance. For all these reasons and by its social relevance, the ring of ordered it must be a choice rather than accurate and consistent with the expectations generated around him. The doubt is generated when choosing the type of ring in the catalog of jewels, since we have two excellent choices, the solo or the Alliance. As Solitaire or ring that only carries one central diamond (sometimes has ornamente arm with small diamonds), is the traditionally more it gives.
As positive, Solitaire brings us security in the importance of our gift, since we focus all our economic effort to a single diamond, and this will therefore be of larger size and better quality than If we choose the Alliance, where there are several diamonds that compose it. The solitary commitment also offers a wide variety of mounts, as the classic in claws (depending on the size of our diamond number), the bevel or chaton, outdoor. It also allows us to select different sizes or external forms of our diamond, for example the size Princess, heart, oval, etc. Against the lonely times can be annoying to carry, especially if diamond reaches a certain size and is very high on the hand. However, this problem really only occurs when the promised is not accustomed to carry diamond jewelry and easily solved with a change of our diamond to a design or mount more moderate or adapted to the finger. On the other hand, the Alliance or ring that carries different diamonds, usually online, is nowadays increasingly more on the rise, as option chosen in the engagement ring. These diamonds partnerships above all bring us a myriad of mounting possibilities and combinations diamonds of different sizes and sizes.
This makes that the Alliance will enable us to better customize our ring of ordered, to obtain a ring more exclusive and different from the usual. Also commitment alliances with diamonds are best suited the finger and are more I like to wear, thinking are women who in many cases had not previously used a diamond rings the fiancees or for the first time, having a jewel of so much importance. But if after that said, neither lonely nor alliances we are convinced, the option of a few rings we have with diamonds called twins. Increasingly on the rise of jewelry, mostly in United States, it is the combination in a single gem of a loner and an Alliance of diamonds. The twins thus creates a single ring, of special importance and where we obtain the advantages of both. Ultimately, serve these recommendations to absorb as much as possible the difficult choice of the ring that changed our lives forever.