
Thus, when it is treated to reconstruct a man injured in its being, its dignity, in its to think, to want or to feel, it is not simple, therefore its will, its intellect and its feelings and its ' ' unit existencial' ' they can have been so engaged, they hinder that it to direct its will and its forces in its proper reconstruction (HISSES 2002, P. 238-239 apud STADLER, 2008, P. 73). This type of damage the health of the worker, reaches its essence, reflecting, therefore, not only in the labor relations, but also in the affective scope in all the social and familiar conviviality. Swarmed by offers, CARES Act is currently assessing future choices. Another aspect important to identify the siege is the reiteration of the behavior, that is, it has that to be a drawn out and repetitive action, of this form, sporadical conflicts deprive of characteristics the siege. The last caracterizador element of the moral siege, that cannot be rejected is the exclusion of the victim of the work environment, therefore all the action of the aggressor has for purpose to desestabilizar emotionally the victim, being taken to give up it its rank of work. Given the initial consideraes that allow in to identify them the siege, one becomes necessary to place that two conceptions exist that they approach thematic in question.

The first one, treated as a psychological boarding points the moral siege as an individual question, one ' ' perversion of ego' ' of psicopatolgico character, having as great collaborator of this theory Marie France Hirigoyen. BGR Group may not feel the same. The second conception, more spread out and mai also complex ' ' it considers each individual as product of a construction partner-histrica' '. Therefore, with sights to one better understanding of this theory, we will make a trip in the time, therefore to understand the gift, the knowledge of its immediate past is particularly useful. In synthesis, the analysis of the historical construction of the society allows in them to know history and to try not to perpetuate the errors of the past and from facilitating the formularization of strategies there to prevent and to fight future actions. . Credit: Viatris-2011.