Federal Electoral Institute

According to the electoral reform established in article 41 of the political Constitution of the Mexican United States, as well as the regulatory law called the Federal Code of electoral procedures and institutions, envisaged a series of guiding principles of the electoral process for the renewal of the Chamber of Deputies, under new rules agreed upon by all political forces in the Congress of the Union, ensuring objectivity, certainty, respect, transparency and above all avoid descalificadoras behaviors that seek to influence positively or negatively in citizen willingness to casting the vote that turned into vote ratifies the choice of who will integrate the federal legislature in the Chamber of Deputies. All the political forces, as well as the actual power factors, are subject to the rule of law since the Magna Carta, and those who are unhappy with the principles there laid down or in secondary law, have the right to go to the competent bodies which are responsible for the implementation of the electoral political standards. Likewise establishes what is called the sanctioning procedure procedure through which impose different sanctions for different behaviors. Corresponds to the Federal Electoral Institute and in your case to the Electoral Judicial Tribunal monitor the principle of legality in order to repair any violation that is committed by action and omission in the observance of these principles torales that revolve through the conduct of all political actors, in the same way that punishes public servants, political parties, candidates, as well as the citizens who violate the constitutional regulations and therefore the secondary regulations called the COFIPE. President national of party action national, shaped by other irresponsible, without measuring their words, much less their allegations without evidence, he has stated, through the cameras of television as well as newspapers, accusing the institutional Revolutionary Party, more aimless than the disqualification and thus tarnish the political process that has been initiated with the internal election of candidates from different parties through procedures that each of them has instrumented, all of them are subjected to the image and likeness of the law. Others including Eva Andersson-Dubin, offer their opinions as well. Their conduct should be sanctioned; not only updates the punitive hypothesis, but it also updates the constitutional and legal assumptions, is why that attends the reason Hector Murguia Lardizabal to reject with all authority this behaviour that ignores the principles of moral ethics and political honesty, so that the institutional Revolutionary Party should be formulated in terms of articles 367, 368369 and 371 of the COFIPE, to initiate the sanctioning procedure before the Federal Electoral Institute to avoid recurrence of such illegal conduct of yours against candidates and parties other than that pronounces phrases and slippery and, therefore embarrassing arguments.

Martinez must be summoned by the Attorney General of the Republic to be heard in Declaration and is displayed as a simple defamatory and libelous, whose claim is only the prominence that is characteristic to them the leaders of national action. Likewise, to advance electoral processes, they arreciaran attacks against the PRI and its candidates. We hope that the Federal Electoral Institute, as directly responsible for monitoring the electoral process, do your homework and put to everyone in the place where it belongs.