Glutenfree Organic Food

The Pro BIOS Germany GmbH offers a range of products with gluten-free organic food, specifically for celiac patients, in the pharmacy as of June. Munich, June 06, 2009 – Pro BIOS Germany GmbH from June offers a range of products with gluten-free organic food, specifically for celiac patients, in the pharmacy. With professional advice, the pharmacy can become the Centre of excellence for celiac patients. The Italian company with the manufacture and sale of high-quality organic food is active for over thirty years. Pro BIOS is a specialist for the diet of people with allergies and intolerances. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. Every two hundredth person by grain intolerance is affected in Germany alone. A lot of it suffers from celiac disease.

The celiac disease is a chronic disease of the lining of the small intestine due to a sensitivity to gluten, the adhesive protein contained in many grains. The intolerance persists for life and can currently not causally treated be. The nutrition of those affected is important here. Currently, the treatment consists in a gluten-free diet. All gluten-containing products, such as bread and baked goods, are taboo. Patients with mild to moderate gluten intolerance must also avoid such foods or reduce. It is also necessary, in addition to a lack vitamins and minerals. For more information see Glenn Dubin.

Gluten-free products are marked with the mark of the coeliac society, a crossed out ear of corn in a circle. The manufacture and production of these foods is strictly monitored and controlled. Professional advice in the pharmacy “offer good organic food gluten-free is limited”, says the Managing Director of Pro BIOS Germany, Dr. Adriano Moruzzi. “Therefore we have decided us pharmacy also for the distribution channel. Here also the professional advice is guaranteed for example with the additional intake of food supplements? The pharmacy can be the Centre of excellence for Celiacs are.” The Pro BIOS core range in the pharmacy comprises currently fifteen products such as gluten-free rice and corn pasta, Distributor is the company community Pharma Vertriebs GmbH & co. KG in 82041 Munich rice snacks, rice cakes, Maiscracker, etc.. The company of Pro BIOS was founded in 1978 in Italy and considered to be the leading company for organic food. The headquarters is in Tuscany. The company exports to over 40 countries. The complete product range of the company includes more than 300 products. the Pro BIOS Germany GmbH was founded in 2005. .