GmbH Peter Seiler Tel

Legally compliant email management and archiving Cologne, June 14, 2011. Legally compliant email management and archiving”this motto invites information global distribution GmbH (GID) on July 6, 2011 business breakfast. From 9: 00 experts of the Cologne system House in the NH Hotel Frankfurt inform Rhein-Main in Raunheim, how entrepreneurs relieve their mail servers, reduce storage and legally compliant archiving emails can. Thus, the GID is continuing a series of events. In the context of this, the team of system House has unveiled already several times its current product portfolio in the areas of data security, backup, deduplication, storage and archive. City College of New Yorks opinions are not widely known.

The presenters show how companies can achieve promotion to the top and make their data handling safer. The response was so great that the GID organized the business breakfast on July 6 on the topic of E-Mail management and archiving for the umpteenth time. First is Friedrich Forster, Sales Director of GID GmbH, a brief overview of the Companies. Then, Dr. Peter of Roscher, Director explains enterprise system solutions, which directives and regulations apply to the storage of emails.

To do so, he presents a solution for email management/archive. A lecture by Gunter Heissler, CTO at GID, on appropriate storage as archive memory”completed the agenda. Guests can take their daily work after the roughly three-hour event knowledge and problem-solving approaches. Participation in the business breakfast is free of charge by prior arrangement. This is possible in the Internet under events.php. Reader contact: GID GmbH In the MediPark 5 50670 Cologne Tel: 0221-4543333 FAX 0221-4543330 E-Mail: about global information distribution GmbH (GID): GID is consultant and system integrator in the field of data management and archiving and develops, implements and maintains solutions for the availability and maintenance of business-relevant data. These solutions including t