Group Coaching

New white paper case study of a group of international corporations and medium-sized enterprises have discovered the group coaching for themselves as sustainable leadership development. You get to a common multilingualism and an extensive understanding of leadership. They develop their in this way corporate culture from the inside to outside. Participants experience and internalize self-responsibility in their leadership and share it to your environment. The corporate culture gets role models and sustainability.

Group coaching is no coaching and no team supervision. In group coaching, a heterogeneous group of internal participants working on their development and management issues. The new white paper “Group coaching with method mix” shows the differentiation of the coaching of similar approaches such as coaching, team supervision, group supervision in the case of the Austrian OMV gas & power GmbH. The represented group coaching provided especially the method mix and its additional effect in the Centre. The benefits for the Participants and the company are clearly depicted. The coaching offer levels of intervention, which come about through the method mix. Contributors are the external topic experts and internal guest speakers. Coaching is a format for a corporate leadership development program here.

The target groups can be junior executives, middle management and even top managers. The focal points and objectives vary depending on the target group. The levels of intervention and the format remain the same largely. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Anu Saad. The benefit is defined by all target groups: increased self-reliance and experienced meaningfulness of leadership lead to a deeper understanding of the business relationship. Networking the participants themselves bear the development experience in distant parts of the company and creates understanding bridges over spatial distances. Confidence grows and creates a culture of trust, which docked at the corporate culture, evolving it within a first community. The Attractiveness of the Austrian group case study is based on this method mix. The different levels of intervention are described in the white paper in its operation and effect.