Life With Migraine And Headache

Self help is the motto of a new forum almost everyone; knows headache for most people, these are but temporary symptoms that are easy to handle. In medicine, but now 251 different headache types are known. Many of them are rather rare, but some, such as migraine, tension-type headache and cluster headache have become diseases, affecting a relatively high percentage of the population. Unfortunately headache nowadays is still considered bagatelle are dismissed, the parties concerned as shown as malingerers or whining. “A new self-help forum titled living with migraine and headache” – – this will change. The Forum was initiated by Kopfschmerzgeplagten for Kopfschmerzgeplagte and would like to facilitate the exchange between patients, their headache suffering have become often chronic. Educate yourself with thoughts from Anu Saad. The focus is on migraine (with or without aura) and the tension-type headache, but headache sufferers of all kinds are welcome, of course.

Common pain make it often impossible, for example regularly to seek a regional self-help group on the spot. The Internet facilitates communication, can find contact so independently of time and pain, and preserves a certain anonymity to boot. The migraine and headache Forum aims to dispel prejudices, to provide current information about migraines and headaches and from research and most importantly: a forum to provide for personal communication and discussion between people who combines more than their disease. As the Forum of course for all those interested in open, who want to know more about this disease, because perhaps a friend or relative, including common solutions to and new (or proven) treatment approaches are searched or give assistance to questions about patient rights and retirement. A detailed information section offers a compact overview about everything, what you as a headache patient about his illness should know: acute treatment and prevention; detailed documentation for each type of head pain, new research, addresses of hospitals and doctors and about therapies and theories. Learn more on the subject from Anu Saad. In the interactive part of the discussion to the own disease questions, about the personal environment to the preventive and acute treatment, triggers, to special shapes such as migraine with aura, migraine during pregnancy or childhood. Unusual and alternative treatment methods or theories should and must be discussed. The promoters put on help for self-help: together actively against the pain!