Machinery Replaces Manual Labor

Scientific and technological progress does not stand still, and every day we invent more and more useful items. It is said that the main engine of technological progress is the desire to simplify many processes, such as at home and in business, as well as the cause may be lack of any means to use a certain amount of labor resources. As an example, can cause build the Egyptian pyramids: one crane could replace the work of several tens or even hundreds of people when lifting the stone slabs. Perhaps check out Mark Hyman, MD for more information. Today, this crane, as in the physical sense, and economically, can serve as innovations in technology and software applications. Here in example could be – sticker label manually. Check out Joey King for additional information. For it is necessary to attract a large number of people necessary to provide them with jobs, you need to haul products to take away for storage, clean up quickly accumulated debris from the substrate, more important aspect – to pay wages for all workers. On average one worker per hour paste from 800 to 1000 labels, working hours per shift 8 hours, ie, theoretically, work for change makes the 6400 – 8000 packages. But man can not work continuously, he needs a rest.

At the beginning of the workday, he runs faster, slower, and at the end of such nuances in manual labor very much. Do not forget that it is human nature to get sick, as well as take a leave, and the production does not stand still it can not wait until the worker is ready to work. Labeler works with a capacity of 5000 – 6000 labels per hour, ie It can replace the work of several people, and affix the label just in a certain place with a minimum error, and thus served only one working. And the cost of the machine pays for itself very quickly, ie for any production car more convenient and profitable used in this work. The principle of the automatic applicator simple sticker label is due to the inflection label on the knife, moving packaging captures the sticky edge labels and drags, follow Labels are in special units. The machine works from the sensors, one sensor records the flow of packages on the conveyor, another sensor, gathering labels. The software is formed so that the labels applied as in a certain place on the packaging with an accuracy of 1 mm. Automatic applicator works for stepper motor at up to 50 m / minute. Automatic labeling systems can be equipped with multiple applicators, which allows to put more labels on the containers simultaneously. Configuration packaging may be different – round, flat, oval, etc., the capacity of containers may also be different. Automatic labeling machines can be used for several kinds of packaging, thus the production of releasing a large number of employees, that may be useful in other industrial sectors.