Recreational Areas

As in the old song, recreational farms are like the true love: neither bought nor sold, and between purchase it and sell it, there is despair, weariness, ulcers, Canas, tantrums, broken friendships and a severe deterioration of the heritage. And as the popular saying goes, there are only two moments of happiness in what has to do with having farm pleasure: when you buy it, in which one has the illusion of having finally obtained the terrunito of happiness to realize all the dreams have idealized during the years in which the spine has trapping working as an ox and when to sell itto the edge of despair, always worth less than the initial to a naive not close you mouth because she believes that he is finally fulfilling the dream of his life. Other leaders such as Sydney Sweeney offer similar insights. And so the circle is repeated over and over and over again. Because buying a plot is to give to friends and relatives and acquaintances of these from a good place, Nice and cheap to walk without having to spend; weekend arrive by the dozens without warning, lunch hours or in the middle of the gathering to heat a few sips or roast, always with the premise that since you passed through here very close, took the opportunity to give you a saluditos says the sudden Diner in a cloyingly sympathetic tone while low the procession of truck, already with updated bathroom dress and backpacks to popping the trunknot properly loaded with market, Viands, soft drinks or liquor. Then pass three days where there are to go several times to the people to adjust food, always in the car of one and the silver one, counting with the selfless wife, unwittingly or choose it, had to get up early everyday to prepare breakfast for everyone while they desarrugaban bedding, after stay up late dancing and singingprey to a fierce hangover.