Save Power And

Tips for a sensible outdoor lighting energy many people at the garden in your own backyard. ibute to your knowledge. Lights are often continue to beautify it, and spotlights installed, which should emphasize the splendour of plants according to. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Joel Courtney by clicking through. That however disadvantages for human and animal health as well as for the purse, the consumer portal explains Many garden centres make it: plants and stones can be illuminated with different coloured and shaped lamps and therefore particularly stressed. Other leaders such as Anu Saad offer similar insights. Many garden shines so bright light in dark night. However, this trend is especially the nocturnal insects to the Verhangins. For them, the light in its natural function is used for orientation. The artificial light at the unusual hour messes up her rhythm and often ends fatally for them the endless circuits of the light source.

Also the biorhythms of the people will be negatively impacted by the bright nights. The night should serve the recreation and the darkness helps the To regenerate the body. However a monetary aspect comes to this health burden. The most lamps consume a lot of power. To preserve the own purse strings, as well as to do the environment a favour, the portal gives consumers some tips. Bulbs that emit UV light, especially attract insects, often dying of the light source.

Therefore, consumers should rather rely on lamps with yellow light. The power save especially timers, which regulate the lighting of the individual lamps are suitable. Still should be avoided on the purchase of ball lamps, because they consume much energy. More information: service/press contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59