Scent – it is something mysterious, not conceived until the end of human beings, both in antiquity and today. Fragrance – is something from which thrills the soul – the most pure and joyful feeling. This feeling is weightless, easy, momentary, which cares captures, and leaves a feeling of unique happiness. Nature has all that you can take from it, to preserve and unite into one. For many centuries mankind has strenuously seeks and offers everything that is suitable for sweet raw materials, and how to get it to pass and keep the smell of nature. What was conceived as the art of perfumery, where it is hidden in the mists of time. Some believe that this was first discovered in Mesopotamia, while others – that this country Art – Arabia, which to this day is called "the country of incense." "Perfume – (Per – over, through, fumum – smoke), suggests that the first incense burned incense consisted of wood and resin. Burned on the altars of incense, this happened in the churches of Jerusalem, of Memphis, as well as Confucianism, and Zoroastrians.
Perfumery art studied all the people who passed the baton to each other civilization. The Jews adopted this art from the Egyptians. In the trail behind the Greeks, Romans, Assyrians, Arabs, and, eventually, the European nations. Ancient Egyptian priests are the first perfumers, but it was then known, how to prepare the aromatic composition. Egyptian beauties also used perfume and cosmetics, they were as numerous as now.