Valdai Hills

Battle for Demyansk pot – a battle which lasted a year and a fortnight and, therefore, is the longest battle, surrounded on the eastern front. Demyansk boiler was completely blocked by the Soviet troops from 25.02.1942 till 23.04.1942, the Germans then broke through the front and form a so-called Ramushevsky corridor. Demyansk ledge existed prior to February 28, 1943 For the first time in the military history of a German corps of six divisions obshey of about 100 000 people – nearly a whole army – well supplied with everything you need in the air. It is at the Valdai Hills in Russia acted first in the history of war airlift. About 100 aircraft were to arrive in the boiler and fly away from it every day. In certain cases, the number of aircraft reached 150.

As recalled Rokossovsky: 'The counter-attack the Army went without pause. The further they moved away from Moscow, resisted the stronger opponent. Even before the turn of the approach to Volokolamsk Front Command has resorting to creation of groups that at one or at another location, for which some part of troops from one army transferred to another. Such improvisation provided some local success. With the release of same to our troops Volokolamsk abroad has become abundantly clear that the enemy was able to recover from the blow, and that his defense is organized. Continue to advance available by the time we have by counting on decisive break the enemy's defense and further development of the success has been impossible.