The concept of swimming is not most used for traditional swimming, but it is understood here as any motor action that the citizen tries intentionally to propulsionar itself through the water (FREUDENHEIM, GAMMA & CARRACEDO et al., 2003 apud LANGENDORFER, 1986). Therefore, the term swimming for babies is used in this study. The infantile aquatic stimulation has for objective to stimulate the form individual that by means of these movements learns if to know, to create and to develop its abilities of a playful form and with pleasure, because the activities in the aquatic way offer to experiences and distinct experiences of the practised ones in land (CUSTDIO, 2009). According to Native of Damascus (1997), ‘ ‘ the psicomotricidade and swimming are interrelated and confused as indissociveis aspects of one same realidade’ ‘. In the agreement of Fonseca (2002), the sensorial and psicomotor bedding, is different when the individual this or remains in the water of what in the land, therefore the especificidade of a new postural and motor learning in that envolvement is more expressive and exploratria possible. However, Velasco (1997) standes out that the learning in the aquatic environment cannot happen without before evidencing the pleasure and comfort, security conditions, therefore without these three adjectives not to as to carry through a session of infantile psicomotricidade.
The environment must be most pleasant possible so that it has a good organization of the psychological components, in a harmonious and functional way. For the related author the half liquid puts a new condition psicomotriz architectural, constructs in the base a polissensorial integration that it differs from the motricidade in the land. In the water the sensorial integration has of being learned, what of explaining previously that such integration if carries through in the brain of the baby or the child who practical swimming.