2weifach – What You Want

2weifach’s new single what you are looking for in the new year the single release of the track “What you want” is something special, for the exceptional singers Laura and Sabine von “2weifach” because the title is not only their favorite song of her debut album “The first step”, it rather also of birth song by 2weifach. “It was the first song by 2weifach, we were immediately enthusiastic and have to convince also the record company by us”, so the performers who most recently 2010 were elected the year winner at Gold Star TV. Strong voices, strong women, strong song, this is really a perfect combination”2weifach producer Thomas Rosenfeld says. The work on the follow-up album are already in full swing. Hope until then, with “What you want” their top rankings from the previous year to capitalise on the “2weifachs” (1st place at WDR 4, HR4, Aylin TV, GoldstarTV and top 10 positions in many other radio charts). With this title, this is certainly possible, finally embodied “What you’re looking for” the 2weifach sound more than anyone else. Moreover, 2weifach is “What you want”. Source: Osnaton records more info:.