In this article I will take a look for the most common care that deserves a rental car. Premium gasoline is better than No Magna. It is true that use a higher octane gasoline does not cause any damage or inconvenience, however, performance will not improve. The highest octane is a gasoline means that fuel is less prone to problems of pre-ignicion, so it should be used in engines when they operate at higher temperatures or if you need to use higher compression. Where your vehicle is designed for gasoline Magna, has no case spend on the Premium.
The car engine should be warmed before leaving in the morning do not. This was only used in older engines, which worked with oils monograde. Modern Motors get hot faster and better when driving and while sooner they arrive at your ideal temperature, better is the performance that offer both fuel efficiency and power. The maintenance of the truck must be according to the calendar of the manual to preserve the warranty Yes. Manufacturers warranties apply only if it follows the scheme of maintenance ordered by them. Let’s take the air conditioner you should check the air conditioner at least once per week, and not only when the weather is hot. You will thus help the appliance is kept in good condition.
Certain manufacturers recommend servicing systems of air conditioning every two years. A fully functional air conditioning system offers advantages such as: ensure that the correct temperature is reached. Reduction of pollen and pollution that enters. Reduction of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS) in the atmosphere. When it is winter, it is advisable to turn the air conditioner to prevent clouding of the windshield. Clean air filters must clean the dirt in the air filter. It is an easy job to do, although it seeks to revise the manual if you’re unsure or you take it to a repair shop.