Use of wall bees for pollination of strawberries in the tunnel or greenhouse In 2011 could a pollination test on strawberries of the variety with the support of Mr Goding in the teaching and example Deutenkofen Sonata ‘ be done. The fruit was harvested from the 3 parcels in a hiking tunnel between the 22.05.2011 and 20.06.2011 to 12 days during the harvest. The primary goal of this experiment was to find out whether different pollination quality differences between fruit shape, fruit formation and yield in the individual plots were measurable or identifiable. To create a unique reference, the first parcel of land was equipped with a mosquito net, where during the flowering phase of the strawberries in the average (Osmia bicornis) were always 3 to 6 of bee females of the Red Wall bees. This plot shows the result in a targeted and optimized pollination. An insulated tent built in the second plot, that targeted the strawberry plants within the insulated tent before a pollination by protected natural be Pollinator insects. The third plot shows the result of free pollination in the hiking tunnel with the naturally occurring pollinators.
After the harvest was completed for a total of 12 days during the harvest, total 3995 strawberries were sorted, categorized and evaluated. Between the yield of the first plot (improved pollination) and the two other plots a value could be determined by up to 97.5%. But a clear difference was evident also in the forms of the fruit and the fruit size. Insert especially generators that should produce a balanced management of pollination in the tunnel or greenhouse strawberries. Depending on the used varieties, as well as the forced production methods used a pollination plan operation can provide tailored to a significant value creation. But also in the outdoor growing should be made for an adequate pollination. Finally, a good pollination is the beginning of every formation of fruit. The detailed report can be about free download download as PDF.