New product: FILEminimizer pictures FILEminimizer Pictures from balesio compresses digital photos and images and achieves economies of scale in the area of 98%. For example, a 5 MB large JPEG photo to 0.08 MB can be reduced. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Glenn Dubin, New York City. Thanks to an innovative optimization technology, compression without visible loss of quality and maintaining the respective image format happens so no unzip or uncompressing is required. With FILEminimizer Pictures users can compress tremendously all pictures and photos, without changing it the format or the quality. The optimized, smaller image files are ideal to be sent via email and can be uploaded easily on sites like Flickr or StudiVZ. The software can compress whole digital photo albums at once and has a search wizard that finds all images on a PC.
Companies can save also huge disk space on servers and save data transfer and network costs by systematically compresses pictures and photos with the help of the software be. FILEminimizer Pictures optimized all image files in JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG and EMF format. The program is available in German, English, French, Italian, and Spanish and costs 24.95 EUR as a single-user license. Volume discounts for multiple licenses and education offerings are available.