However in the region occipito-weather or automatic detector and the place where all related word and with the sounds so that a reading in sudden way can be carried through, the function of this part of the brain is to carry through the knowledge of the words. In the brain of a dislxico the perieto-weather does not exist that to give to the meaning the words and the occipito-weather that identifies the letters. They are the two factors necessary so that the child can recognize fonemas and can carry through readings and automatically to have the process of the writing, had not to have this two systems in the brain its left inferior frontal which carries through the fonolgico process becomes bigger. Carried through commentaries basing if on the theory of Shaywitz (2003) 1.1.1.Dislexias Appearances and the difficulty to absorb and to follow visual sequences. This characterized difficulty and as inability, that is, does not have vision problems but impossibilities to catch what it is seen in the majority of this in case that inverted letters enxergam and has problems with words with sequences. This type of more easy dislexia and of being worked By ways of exercises can be learned the graphical signs with easiness and quickly to apprehend sequences: however the slowness can persist. Given the complexity of the system of action that intervines in the understanding and the writing, and previsible not only to find problems, more different types of problems (Sanchez 2004 p.100). The dislexia is not an illness and yes a term that if to give to discover symptoms of damage in the brain that reaches the reading, some patients only have the problem of the reading and spelling of long words that are little common however also exists the type of dislexia which the patient does not obtain to identify small words or letters of the alphabet others do not obtain to read in high voice, already other patient obtains to read more does not understand what to be lendo.a dislexia summarizes if in some types the visual dislexia presents some characteristics that can be found in children through problems of right and left orientation such as, low, difficulty in writing having weak quality of letters have the incapacity to read words dialectic or long with short and simple exception, similar errors of reading confusing letters with sounds similar or aspects have low capacity of concentration of sequences.