Author Archives: AWHadmin

The first years

The first years of the EBC classes and by 1933 had been regularized and began racing banker, accountant and secretary private stenographer, the EBC was constructed with the work of excellent teachers committed to their work and home without lose sight of the human factor that should be teaching. With this ideology, were conceived many […]

Banco de Cro

Banco de Cro e Inversiones Banco de Cro e Inversiones (also known by its acronym, and trade names BCI) is a Chilean bank, Yarur family property since its inception. The Bank was founded in 1937 by John Yarur Lolas and a group of entrepreneurs, in order to support small and medium enterprises in Chile. Throughout […]


Santiago de los Caballeros is, after Santo Domingo, the second most important city in the country. It has 700 thousand inhabitants and is the city that has the lowest number of unemployed. It is a province with an important economic diversity. The industries of all types are concentrated in Santiago de los Caballeros (and puffer), […]

More Articles Mercadona 2

Altres articles d’expansion Mercadona force of natural selection on their shelves Posted on 13-01-09, by EI / SS / JB Madrid / Barcelona / Valencia The strategy of keeping the shelves only that which has a high turnover will leave out numerous foreign branded goods and leave more space for its own trademark. The interproveedores-as […]


Compounds of tires on the grid for the Grand Prix of the United States 2005. Michelin competition tires belonging to the Formula 1 Renault R25, 2005. McLaren MP4/22 dry with soft tires. The tires are designed to withstand forces far greater than a conventional one, basing its production on the use of nylon, polyester fiber […]

Competitive intelligence

Competitive intelligence is the process of obtaining and analyzing competitive information from publicly available sources, the above in order to help achieve the objectives of the organization (according to the book Beat the Competition, Gordon Lan, 1989, one of the first books on competitive intelligence). It is the public availability of competitive intelligence information that […]

History orial

History orial Prensa Ib rica is one of the most important groups of regional newspapers in Spain with strong presence in nine autonomous regions. Initially devoted to publishing newspapers, Prensa Iberica has become over the years into a multimedia group with the expansion made in Internet businesses, primarily in the digital ions of their newspapers, […]

Optimize Transition Time (And Stop Being Late)

In Galicia the number 2 on the candidacy of PP was not aware of their obligations to finance and has been forced to resign by the president of the Galician PP, “chapeau” for Nu ez-Feijoo and will high time someone do such things, take note of the PP spokesman in Gandia similar problem to not […]

SENA work

What is SENA The System is an organization that links a set of entities providing technical training, technology and vocational training, for structuring the training response, from the identification and definition of national competency standards for work, the concerted process social actors in the country. It acts systemically to: Make consistent training offers the entities […]

Stages A

Stages A strategic plan generally consists of several stages: Stage 1: Analysis of the situation. Lets know reality in which the organization operates. Stage 2: Diagnosis of the situation. It allows to know the current conditions under which the organization performs, it is necessary to establish mechanisms to measure the current situation (both inside and […]