Author Archives: AWHadmin

Competitive intelligence

Competitive intelligence is the process of obtaining and analyzing competitive information from publicly available sources, the above in order to help achieve the objectives of the organization (according to the book Beat the Competition, Gordon Lan, 1989, one of the first books on competitive intelligence). It is the public availability of competitive intelligence information that […]

History orial

History orial Prensa Ib rica is one of the most important groups of regional newspapers in Spain with strong presence in nine autonomous regions. Initially devoted to publishing newspapers, Prensa Iberica has become over the years into a multimedia group with the expansion made in Internet businesses, primarily in the digital ions of their newspapers, […]

Optimize Transition Time (And Stop Being Late)

In Galicia the number 2 on the candidacy of PP was not aware of their obligations to finance and has been forced to resign by the president of the Galician PP, “chapeau” for Nu ez-Feijoo and will high time someone do such things, take note of the PP spokesman in Gandia similar problem to not […]

SENA work

What is SENA The System is an organization that links a set of entities providing technical training, technology and vocational training, for structuring the training response, from the identification and definition of national competency standards for work, the concerted process social actors in the country. It acts systemically to: Make consistent training offers the entities […]

Stages A

Stages A strategic plan generally consists of several stages: Stage 1: Analysis of the situation. Lets know reality in which the organization operates. Stage 2: Diagnosis of the situation. It allows to know the current conditions under which the organization performs, it is necessary to establish mechanisms to measure the current situation (both inside and […]

LP3: Trailer Slashed (Briosso Vadillo)

Here comes the surprise of the remainder of the week, Jesus opens Briosso screenwriter for LP3, Javier D. Vadillo, and autoconclusiva new horror story called “Slash”. As a first example, we do get a trailer itself, which we know the heroes of the story.

Getting Help in the Home

It is often very hard for people of any age to admit they need help, especially if they’ve never asked for it before. But if they can get help in the house it’s a lot easier than having to go to a sheltered housing unit or a senior home. Staying at home helps the people […]