Category Archives: News

Sharp Health Tip

Various research has shown the antioxidant, hypotensive and blood sugar-regulating effects of ‘capsaicin’. Chili & co. have already gained a King’s role in the European cuisine. Who loves the taste, can count on additional health benefits. The sharp spices act not only antibacterial; They also stimulate digestion and metabolism and have a regulating effect on […]

Professional Tooth Cleaning

The dental practice of Brigitte Huebert informed so that the teeth remain healthy in old age, is a thorough home dental care of the utmost importance. Lack of effective dental instruments it is hitting however limits, when it comes to clean between teeth and gum pockets. The professional teeth cleaning remedy here. As it runs, […]

Quickservice Food Logistics

QSL controls the supply chain for Swiss break Swiss break using innovative Swiss franchise for the entire control of purchasing, warehousing, and delivery on the Dienstleister Meyer quick service logistics (QSL). With decisive was for the system restaurateurs from the Switzerland, that QSL has already successfully organized supply chains for significantly larger franchise systems. Friedrichsdorf, […]

Ghost Stories

Next Saturday, the Stuttgart-based spirits offered a creepy night hike through the Stuttgart forest with ghost stories. On Saturday, Nov. 23 Stuttgart spirits the leadership of “Spirits of the forest” offer after a long break, a night walk through the Stuttgart forest with ghost stories. From the Geroksruhe it goes on a 4 km-long trail […]

Exercise Tips

If you are somebody that just is beginning with the exercise and is looking for the way to do it then you have arrived at the indicated place. Nevertheless, the first place to begin is your mentality. I know realistic with your present state physical, the time that you are going to dedicate to him […]

World Equal

Relationships that people maintain with others, is perhaps the factor that most helps to maintain harmony and peace among Nations. That is why diplomacy is the first option in the case of misunderstandings. Keep healthy and harmonious relations with all (or at least most) people, ensures an existence pacifica, thrives and full of joy and […]

Goals List

In this article, I will give you the keys to organize your tasks, set goals and define a more healthy relationship between your work, your obligations and your personal satisfaction. The key tool to define priorities and regain control over your work and your life in general, is the task list. In it, you administraras […]

Latin America

To greet the leaders of our region, affirm them the gratitude of all Cubans for support and solidarity received, before substantial damage caused by three hurricanes that recently struck our country. Dear friends: the journey so far has been long and difficult. Gather for the first time leaders of Latin America and the Caribbean in […]

Ricardo Cerron Villanueva Villanueva

After five years long, and after being subjected to numerous surgeries in the city of Lima, Milagros Cerron Arauco, the girl known as “mermaid”, arrived yesterday at Huancayo, to know their cousins, grandparents and other relatives. ALEGRE.Accompanied by her younger sister, Maricielo (1), and his parents, Ricardo Cerron Villanueva Villanueva and Sara Arauco, small Milagros […]

Lose Weight

Many people are wondering what foods to eat to lose weight and lose body fat, but also want to be taken in hand and learn exactly how healthy and natural foods that promote the burning of fat, and thus weight loss. Of course, I can not tell you what you should eat, because I don’t […]