Category Archives: News

Health Organization

When I decided to publish this article, it had in mind convey part of lessons observed and experienced as Executive and consultant, wanted to put at the disposal of all those entrepreneurs, some advice from guidance on phenomena that occur during the course of creation of the company, the normal operation of that and when […]

The Dialogue

Sight thus, seems difficult to think that in our Life there will only be a unique person with whom we will feel a special and deep connection. As we extended our vital experiences and whatever more people we ventured ourselves to be knowing in our life, more probabilities we must to find other people with […]

Prevent Muscular Injuries

Who practises physical activity of high impact can suffer to the times with muscular injuries. Research already shows that the Alimentary Supplements as the Protein helps preventing these muscular injuries. Beyond a balanced feeding it is basic that you make a suplementao in its feeding with the protein use of milk as the Whey Protein. […]

The Top Address For The Transport Industry’s

With the big nationwide provider directory, the freight exchange and many useful information about has become one of the largest and most successful transportation portals on the Internet. Who a company from the transportation sector, logistics, transportation, courier or truck workshop seeks to be the nationwide provider directory on be very helpful. […]

The Baby

The infection of the breast can most of the time be prevented, the nursing team will be able to guide purperas during the puerprio in what it says respect to the mastite working in the prevention of these complications through cares how much to the rigorous hygiene of the hands before the loved ones and […]

Diet Angle

Diet angle is special an alimentary plan of 16000KCAL, for people whom difficulty has to gain weight. With diet angle you who have difficulty to gain weight, will be able to get resulted fantastic and healthful. In one month of diet angle you can earn up to 5 kilos of form healthful. Diet angle must […]

Cultural Revival Of Russia

Philosophical culture – is not only external, but internal beauty of the world of philosophical creativity. In Russia, the level of philosophical culture is low. The Russian people stopped to think for themselves. We therefore have no original evolution of thought. Philosophical culture requires serious intellectual work. In our country, a little philosophy and religion […]

Ramon Gallegos And Pedagogy

International Foundation for Holistic Education Holistic Education Master RAMON GALLEGOSY For Holistic Pedagogy, Fernando Alfonso Gamez Roman. 2009 Culiacan Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava is a pioneer in holistic education, his work is the approach of a whole new vision of reality and is aimed specifically to a new education proposal, which constitutes the spiritual heart. […]

The Kosmos

– The Teosfera (Spirit) spirit is developed in humans. The Kosmos is thus a series of layers within layers and within other layers where they all are intertwined in a holistic way. By integrating fisiosfera, biosphere, noosphere and teosfera and keep in tune we are working on building the base of a culture of peace […]

Fruitlogistica, German market for fruit and vegetables – ICEX

An example of the marketing of fruit and vegetables in Germany. This demonstrates the increasing complexity of positioning in the international market to companies interested. Not only must meet the requirements of different protocols to the country to which their products are targeted but just a sales strategy and logistics, as does Spain in ICEX-Germany. […]