Category Archives: News

FEELINGS – Baking With Chocolate And Nuts

Enjoy Christmas cookies, studs & co with feelings! Cologne. / Eslohe. Everywhere, it smells wonderful pastries and sweet treats. Who is now still has not made at the Christmas bakery, which is necessarily should do this! Because nothing is more relaxing and increases the anticipation more than common baking and snacking! Hazelnut and almond core […]

Treatments For Brides Before Wedding

Every woman wants to be the prettiest on her wedding day. However, this cannot depend on only cosmetics. Cosmetics can, in the best cases, hide some defects, but do not have the ability to change its appearance. Therefore, it is important to be careful for at least two months before your wedding day. A facial […]

Stress And Disease

Damn Stress, that tension of the modern life the physical and mental Relaxation is one of our majors needs in this modern age of the speed the tension, the noise the Stress that kills is the today restlessness. But the relaxation is not something that is done to us from the outside, without an attitude […]

Waterloo Bridge

Losberger at fashion week 2009 in London which is fashion week marathon for 2010 in the hot phase. In the wake of the New York fashion week wowed London from September 21 to 27 visitors interested in fashion and celebrities from all over the world with an innovative show. Also the London fashion week presents […]


The trick to grilling bread perfectly is controlling temperature and time. If your grill is equipped with a thermometer, you have done (though the outside temperature and wind can affect how well your grill retains heat.) If you have a thermometer, just heat the temperature designated on the package or in recipe. If not, I […]

How To Build Wood Furniture

Carry out a project of carpentry is like going out on an adventure. Each project is unique, from its planning and execution until the final result that is unrepeatable. However, even if each individual can have a different vision and employ different techniques, there are methods and fundamental techniques that are applicable to all woodworking […]

Timothy Gallwey

With this anglicism (whose translation is training), imported from the world of sport to the of the company, every day we hear more often is is referring to the Socratic concept of Maieutics, a concept not so recent, and however, bridging the gap of the context, with virtually identical meaning. Read additional details here: Ahmed […]

Insect Or Mosquito Net

Insect or mosquito net? We look always to the composition Alfatsipermetrin from ticks. The substance is toxic, should be applied only to clothing! Do not count on the skin as the skin material and enters the bloodstream. It is very dangerous Allergy and children. For children it is better not to use! POISONING: Report of […]

Educational Networks

The knowledge produced in the schools and the pedagogical bond that this determines is generating of networks of being able. Thus it is like the teachers are cultural victims of a system takes that them to reproduce every day the same social structures and in that the poor children will continue being poor. The teachers […]

Important Cities

The job is something very important in the life of any professional person, you need to keep your family or even only to your person, and in these times of economic crisis which we live in, losing it is very easy and very difficult to find a new one, so it is important to live […]