SOLID WASTE Material that is not a utility or economic value to the owner, the owner thus becomes a generator of waste. From the legislative standpoint is more complicated regarding waste management, is that it is inherently a subjective term, which depends on the point of view of stakeholders (essentially generator and watchdog) The waste can be classified in several ways, both by state, origin or property. Sorted by state A residue is defined as the physical state in which it has.There are therefore three types of waste from this point of view, solid, liquid and gaseous fuels is important to note that the actual extent of this classification may be taken as purely descriptive terms or, as is done in practice, in the form of management associated For example a drum with used oil and is considered waste, is inherently a fluid, yet the handling is going to be as strong as it is transported by truck rather than a hydraulic drive system. In general waste can also be characterized by their compositional characteristics and generation. Classification by origin Residue can be defined by the activity causing it, is essentially a sector classification. This definition does not limit the practice in the level of detail that you can reach it. Largest waste types: Municipal waste: The generation of municipal waste varies according to cultural factors associated with income levels, consumption patterns, technological development and quality standards of living of the population. The increasing development of the Chilean economy has brought about a considerable increase in the generation of waste. In the 60s, the generation of household waste amounted to 0.2 to 0.5 kg / capita / day today however, this figure is between 0.8 and 1.4 kg / capita / day. The sectors generate higher income per capita increased volumes of waste and this waste has a higher added value than those from poorer segments of the population. Industrial waste: The amount of waste generated by industry is based on the technology of the production process, quality of raw materials or intermediate products, physical and chemical properties of the used auxiliary materials, fuels used and the packaging process. Mining waste: Include mining waste materials are removed to gain access to minerals and all waste from the mining process. In Chile and world production statistics are quite limited. Currently the copper industry is engaged in the implementation of proper management of these wastes, thus expected in the near future to have proper statistics. Medical Waste: Currently the management of hospital waste is not the most appropriate in the absence of clear regulations in this regard.