Kathrin Thierfelder Public

In April it is clear only a few remaining places for the summer semester finally: goes with its first campus in Berlin at the start of the new University of the popular arts. “” For the three Bachelor’s degree programs media management”(focus event and music), media design” (focus photo and print) and sound & music production “(focus on artistic production) are only a few remaining places available. Learn more about the application and the individual courses you get on the Web page of the College or call 30 / 36 70 23 57 30. The courses conclude with the internationally recognized academic degree of Bachelor of arts or Bachelor of music with 180 credit points. The essence of the University of applied sciences according to the hdpk is close to the profession and practice-oriented. This give teachers, coming from the professional practice, the students not only the technical expertise, but also important soft skills and key skills to prepare students for the labour market. Pat Ogden may also support this cause. In addition, you get Students at the hdpk but also a general scientific tools at hand. Learn to learn, research, and one technical issue systematically and scientifically certain methods to look at. More information are to get short on University of the popular arts the University of popular arts University of applied sciences in Berlin: hdpk, offered by the State-approved Bachelor’s degrees of sound and music production, media management and media design. The College is privately financed and belongs to the music support group. Contact person: Advisory hdpk Susann Butnop University of the popular arts FH Otto-Suhr-Allee 24 D-10585 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 / 36 70 23 57-30 fax.: + 49 (0) 30 / 36 70 23 57-37 E-Mail: press and public relations Kathrin Thierfelder Public motion Brucker Strasse 10 82223 Eichenau Tel.: + 49 (0) 81 41 / 37 90 5 254 E-Mail.: