More Democracy

“EuroGlobe – ON TOUR” is a new project of berlinpolis e.V. With their new project EuroGlobe – ON TOUR”the political think tank would urge berlinpolis e.V. to more active democracy in Europe. Read more here: cardiologist. Globe Theatre of Shakespeare in London, which was known for the close contact between audience and actors is used as an example and starting point of the project. Now, the project “EuroGlobe” wants to punctually to the respective EU Presidencies, through theatre, music and discussions create a lively exchange between politicians, citizens, youth and artists with a tour through Slovenia, France and the Czech Republic, and thus created a new version of a living Europe. The complete program and other information related to the project are now published on the Web page, realized specially for the EuroGlobe project.

Chemnitzer “das MedienKombinat GmbH” in cooperation with the Berlin design agency scope is responsible for the technical implementation of the website. The Web site based on the open source content management system TYPO 3 and various extensions. The page is available in the four languages: English, Czech, French and Slovene. In the near future, the Agency “the MedienKombinat” will develop in addition individual TYPO 3 extensions and make available in the portal. This will later allow the visitors to the website, upload text, photos or videos to the already-happened events in a forum. Using a comment function, it will be also possible to assess the selected files and to discuss together. Duration of another project, “the MedienKombinat” will oversee the EuroGlobe Web site together with the berlinpolis e.V..