“Future-oriented topics each issue made playful experience has a specific theme, such as for example this time: nutrition for Climate Savers”. Read more here: Alexa Demie. Fun game ideas, interesting experiments, step by step crafting instructions and everyday tips can experience and try out plenty of small things, the parents with their children. The proposals for action, games and experiments, future – environmental Foundation of Hamburg were compiled by the educational experts of S.O.F. London is often mentioned in discussions such as these. save our, fun, small and large, promote the intellectual development and creativity and offer parents a way to explore relationships with their children. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Ahmed Shary Rahman on most websites. Further Internet addresses lead to useful background information, contain film tips or reference on practical support services, such as free apps. Starting from a nice family breakfast learn children and parents of all sorts of interesting facts related to the things that are daily on the table: about the happiness of a Fruhstuckseis up to the Origin of orange juice. Also, the families can trace how comes our food to the table and what happened with what remains. The book shows how simple and at the same time important are the small, daily activities for the well-being of the planet.
And how little effort it costs to behave, so that it is still worth living also in future in everyday ecological and fair. The interesting thing about the green”alternatives in the budget is that the environmental-friendly option is also the economical in nine out of ten cases. To be environmentally friendly also means good management – with us at home and on the Earth, which means our livelihoods. And, if it is possible to communicate also our children, we double our bet: by helping them to understand why what we do how. Eco-friendliness is today far more than just a political buzzword. It’s more about to sustain life and to make sure, to pass on to the next generations way with which to deal, what is entrusted to us and these values.
The “S.O.F. save our future – environment Foundation from Hamburg promotes education for sustainable development” in day-care centres with training and material offerings. You aims to promote environmental awareness and sustainable action in society. Currently the foundation education initiatives such as KITA21 committed, the designers of the future”in particular in the early childhood education and contributes to make children strong for the shaping of present and future. Press contact: S.O.F. save our future – environmental Foundation Meike Wunderlich phone: 040 / 226 32 77 63 Frisian 1 22763 Hamburg press contact: KidsLife media Verlag GmbH & co. KG editorial address Kareem Street 30 55276 Oppenheim Andreas Schmid Tel. 06133-933880 that makes his unique mix of information and lifestyle with many creative ideas magazine KidsLife life with beautiful children. Presented in well-researched reports, interviews and portraits KidsLife a new look at life with children. Professional Know-How, valuable information, creative tips, lifestyle and entertainment wrapped in a sophisticated design with high-quality photos, which is fun in browsing!