Russian Fire Insurance Company

was not their national insurance organization. Insurance services provided by foreign companies. Payments were made in gold and went abroad. Capital outflow reached so tangible dimensions, that the government decided to restrict the access of foreign insurers in the Russian market and tried to organize the state system of insurance against fire. Learn more at: Bessel van der Kolk. In 1786 was issued the "Manifesto for the establishment of the State Bank Debt "forbidding to insure the assets from foreign insurers. In the same year when the bank created an insurance expedition, which will undertake to fire insurance of property and buildings Russian subjects.

However, the financial results of the expedition proved to be unprofitable, so soon its activities were discontinued. In 1827, on the basis of the expedition was formed "The first Russian Fire Insurance Company, received a request from Government's monopoly on the conduct of insurance operations for 20 years in St. In recent months, Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE has been very successful. Petersburg, Moscow, Odessa and other major provincial cities. In the future with the permission of the government created two large insurance company – "The second Russian Fire Insurance Society" (1835) and "Salamandra" (1846). "The second insurance company has obtained a monopoly for 12 years in fire insurance in 40 provinces of Russia, and" Salamander "- for 12 years to carry out fire insurance in Transcaucasia, Bessarabia, on the Don and in Siberia. Exclusive right to conduct insurance business in certain areas was given to companies with a view to quickly create a stable financial base. Government taking steps to expand the types of insurance.

SYOGRA Massage Chair

New and unique! Many people today suffer from tension, poor posture and back pain. Syogra developed one of the first Massage Chair with jade rollers and infrared heat next to your versatile products around the massage and acupressure. The SYOGRA Massage Chair you can like a conventional Chair in the living room are placed and used. You can use the Massage Chair only as reading Chair while you enjoy your favourite music with the built-in MP3 player and the supplied stereo headphones. The processed extra soft, high-quality artificial leather feels like real leather, but much more robust, because genuine leather with the time on the frequently used areas wears off. Using the rear-mounted rollers, you can easily push the Chair to the desired location. Through the supplied supports for the back and the seat, you can use the Massage Chair like a normal Chair. For even more opinions, read materials from Dr. Hyun Kim.

The Jade massage slide is not visible or noticeable by the Edition. The leg rest can – continuously- Button upwards are to improve the blood circulation in your legs while you enjoy the optional air pressure massage in different selectable thicknesses. In the leg rest of the Massage Chair are specially developed air cushion massage units IThe your legs and feet individually adjustable strength via air pressure – similar to a lymphatic drainage massage – massage. The leg massage helps prevent swollen legs or relaxes the tense muscles of the leg. Above all, this is also interesting for older or heavy customers.

The Jade massage slide is hemisphere 4 ergonomically shaped jade balls with a germanium indoor heated and emits infrared heat. The company Saeed KEG in Austria (the SYOGRA sales products) offers free advice and Pro out of adjustable jade full body massage table and the new portable SYOGRA jade massage table to the home and on the road to. In expansion of the product range, the advice of Chi pins (magnetotherapy) acupressure massage, as well as the thorn is method. In addition to focus on round Harmony and well-being places emphasis on kompentente advice on massage and wellness products up to the optimum room climate according to the teachings of Feng Shui. More detailed descriptions and information can be found online at and

Reigning Spiritual

You decided that she wants to reign in its life, certain? But, he stops and he thinks: who you are being? Equal to King equal Saul or to King Davi? He knows that this has its practical consequences in its life! ' ' had a long war enters the house of Saul and the house of Davi; however Davi went if fortifying, but of the house of Saul if they went weakening. ' ' 2 Samuel 3:1 We have that to be of the house of Davi: blessing, divine unction. The difference is very great between Saul and Davi. When analyzing the history of both, we evidence that the fight of Saul was only for the kingdom, for the crown, but Davi wanted the Spirit of God. (Salmo 51). Saul did not want to serve the God, but it wanted to serve itself of God! It had a war between Saul (that it represents the meat) and Davi (represents the spirit), wins that one that is stronger! Word of God, jejum, conjunct has the objective to fortify our spirit, does not leave more than the meat is successful! HOW TO BE DAVI HOUSE? THAT CHARACTERISTIC I HAVE THAT TO CULTIVATE IN ME TO HAVE SUCH ACCOMPLISHMENT? ' ' Then it answered one of the young men, and said: Here it is that I have seen a son of Jess, the belemita, that he knows to touch and he is brave and vigorous, and man of war, and cautious in words, and of gentile presence; you he is with it. a. ' ' 1 Samuel Davi 16:18 is full of qualities of the Spirit of God, it is different, repleto of good qualities. What people make, also we have that in feeling them competent. Davi was called, why he was not friend of somebody, but why it was competent to play instruments! Nothing of aidings. Learn more about this with Michael James Burke.

Mental Health

Lecture by Dr. med. Oliver Werner, prakt. Doctor and Ayurvedic expert, on the mutatis mutandis “the knowledge of long life”, extends the range of Ayurveda, EXPOPHARM 2012 preventive recommendations for diet and daily routine treating chronic diseases in Maharishi Ayurveda health centres. A growing interest in more than 5,000 years old, natural health is associated with increasing health consciousness. Maharishi Ayurveda products Europe is therefore particularly trade visitors the Expopharm one, to find out in detail about the traditional health education. Besides comprehensive basic information and the presentation of its extensive product portfolio, the leader offers original Ayurvedic products on Thursday, October 11, 2012, from 14: 30-15:30 a lecture by Dr. med. Cardiologist is the source for more interesting facts.

Oliver Werner, Ayurveda expert from the Switzerland. His lecture on “Ayurveda and mental health” deals with the causes and treatment of mental disorders from the Ayurvedic perspective. Expopharm Munich: 10 to October 13, 2012, Hall B6, stand F23 specialist lecture by Dr. med. Speaking candidly Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn told us the story. Oliver Werner: “Ayurveda and mental health”. Thursday, October 11, 2012, 14.30 – 15.30, Room B-62 Maharishi Ayurveda products Europe is leading supplier of original Ayurvedic products.

The brand includes authentic nutritional supplements, controlled natural cosmetics after BDIH standard as well as harmonizing organic teas, herbal and massage oils, spices and food, books and publications. The quality and purity of the products is confirmed by independent European laboratories. Contact: Maharishi Ayurveda products Europe b.v. registered office: Veldweg 33 6075 NL Herkenbosch Netherlands phone: (+ 31) 475-529-111 fax: (+ 31) 475 404055 E-Mail: author: RADIUS MEDIA Consul-Smidt-Strasse 8 g Memory 1 28217 Bremen FON 0421 649225-0 fax 0421 649225-20 email

New Nissan Tiida

Or note of press, dossier, news, or anything else you like; Fourteen words is Nissan has everything needed to display the first image of the next Tiida or Versa. That not even really such.Versa is the name you are looking for, given that the sketch has been given us by Nissan USA, and this is the name by which is known model in the United States, where adopts sedan configuration. Baptisms aside, the fact is that the compact Japanese is a car that, while not bad, was born old, and each year dropped him into his body as if they were two. Therefore urges its relay and if this drawing has to provide us guidance, expect a sedan more dynamic and graceful, without that third glob added to some markets when it touched the sedan design. Almost like a Fluence, although with a greater visual weight. Of course, it is a sketch, and we all know that sometimes the production models resemble his drawings which a chestnut to an egg weighs therefore with this image with care, and stand with us to appear the first photographs. Under most conditions Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. would agree. Car, input, it seems that still will wait a few months.

Impress The Wife With A Photo Mosaic

A photo mosaic is a work of art in which the pixels of a photo consist of individual small images. Sun, beach, Palm trees – these are the typical vacation pictures that you like to hang as a large poster on the wall. At the beginning you have his joy about, but sooner or later you get bored there, to see always the same picture. The thing with a photo mosaic from looks different. A photo mosaic is not only a single picture to hang on the wall, but an image that consists of more than a thousand small photos. Add to your understanding with Joel Courtney. You can see small images only if you step closer at the photo mosaic approach. For more specific information, check out Michael James Burke.

From a distance, you can see only a single large image – small images are blurred and make just this big picture. Through the many small images, there is always something new to discover, to recreate common holidays and to let any old memories back to life. A photo mosaic is thus the perfect gift idea, and a photo mosaic from your own personal photos especially when you give it a special people being created. Exactly this service offered by, and was awarded for 2007 by the Chamber of Commerce with a special award for good business ideas. The photo mosaic can be printed as a poster on canvas, acrylic or many other materials there are no limits to the imagination. Of course it takes not more than 1000 different images (who has already?) for a nice photo mosaic. Usually one hundred or fewer images enough to get really nice results. Some husbands, where the blessing was wrong, were able to gain more than a selling point with a photo mosaic from with their wives. A photo mosaic of the own, personal pictures, indeed, shows that it has been thought and this time not a gift of the Rod has opted for. A photo mosaic is also a great parting gift for earning colleagues who retire and you would like to give a nice memory with which to retire. There are so many events to which you can give a photo mosaic.

Traffic Accidents

The seat belt is undoubtedly passive safety element present in the car that has more effective in saving lives off the road accidents. Hence, in most countries their use is, in our day, mandatory for all vehicle occupants. When you place a vehicle collision occurs the so-called "double impact." It is a sequence that takes place first collision between the vehicle and another outside element (another vehicle, a tree, a lamppost or a wall, for example), taking place inside a second impact that caused by inertial motion of the vehicle occupant at time after the accident. Ultimately, the safety belt allows such occupants are tied to the seat, preventing ejection and collide against the carrier or, at worst, break through with his body the windscreen of the car, striking the pavement. Do not wear it, then, could be fatal. And not only with regard to possible health risk, even for the life of the occupants. It could also be in relation to the possible claim for damages resulting from loss of traffic.

The claim for damages when the occupant was not wearing a seat belt The principle of tort liability in force in most countries and fully applicable to cases of road traffic collisions, indicates that when a person acting willfully or negligently causes damage to another, you must repair the damage caused by financial compensation or damages. Hence may be drawn that the head of accident (driving under the influence of alcohol, to skip a stop, for exceeding the speed limit, etc..) Should compensate for damage caused to each and every one of those involved, both personal and material and even moral. However, if in such situation the driver or occupants of vehicle had no responsibility in the incident had not been wearing seat belts could easily be determined with respect to the severity of personal injury or it could have been lower had been wearing belts. Although, in the complaint, the concepts of damage would not be affected, as in any way could affect the carry or not put the belt purely property damage resulting from accidents (eg, the destruction in the car) it would be greatly affected the concept for personal injuries. Not surprisingly, it is estimated that up to half of those killed in traffic accidents were not wearing seat belts, to that extent is vital. In short, your chances of compensation would be seriously damaged by the fact they have not used. Hence it is vital. If only for that, use the belt. Not regret it. Jose Alberto Espina Andria.


Prayers, prayers, sermons and for modern Christians, benefit you our new forum Communitae… Follow others, such as Dr. Mark Hyman, and add to your knowledge base. What to do with the “words of God” in your life? Are there viable, modern explanations? It lacks many people in modern times to tangible connections to everyday life. Write for others and help to give God a place in everyday life. Those who seek help. Share with us your thoughts, prayers and intercessions. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Michael James Burke. Many people are looking for God, a way or a target. People need consolation or seek assistance.

You can find this all in good parishes. A contemporary and universal medium is the Internet. We are pleased that you share your prayers and intercessions with many others and talk in the forum about current matters of faith and discuss. We want to find viable answers to this page and not be put in fear and terror. We would like to as Christians spread the faith in God as something wonderful, healing, and groundbreaking. We want to help those who are many queries on the search.

GmbH Company

A site secure two different income. The “OASIS solar and rent GmbH & co. KG” offers everyone the possibility of no roof has to sunny yield. OASIS solar and rent GmbH & co. KG offers private investors a beneficiary participation with a maturity of at least three years. For even more analysis, hear from Dr. Mark J Berger.

A purchase of dividend rights is intended plus 5% premium from Euro 4.000,-. The number of investors is limited to 20 shares. Your investment is secured by a mortgage registration or securing mortgage. This offer is limited to the 10. The use of capital as equity capital for the realization of the next energy park.

The owner-managed company has a knowledgeable solar expert who runs the company with managing director Ansgar Dietz. Dietz is considered one of the most important cornerstones of the energy supply of the future solar energy. The detailed Beteiligungs expose obtained off directly from the company at. Interested parties can use the Homepage for more information.

Kathrin Thierfelder Public

In April it is clear only a few remaining places for the summer semester finally: goes with its first campus in Berlin at the start of the new University of the popular arts. “” For the three Bachelor’s degree programs media management”(focus event and music), media design” (focus photo and print) and sound & music production “(focus on artistic production) are only a few remaining places available. Learn more about the application and the individual courses you get on the Web page of the College or call 30 / 36 70 23 57 30. The courses conclude with the internationally recognized academic degree of Bachelor of arts or Bachelor of music with 180 credit points. The essence of the University of applied sciences according to the hdpk is close to the profession and practice-oriented. This give teachers, coming from the professional practice, the students not only the technical expertise, but also important soft skills and key skills to prepare students for the labour market. Pat Ogden may also support this cause. In addition, you get Students at the hdpk but also a general scientific tools at hand. Learn to learn, research, and one technical issue systematically and scientifically certain methods to look at. More information are to get short on University of the popular arts the University of popular arts University of applied sciences in Berlin: hdpk, offered by the State-approved Bachelor’s degrees of sound and music production, media management and media design. The College is privately financed and belongs to the music support group. Contact person: Advisory hdpk Susann Butnop University of the popular arts FH Otto-Suhr-Allee 24 D-10585 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 / 36 70 23 57-30 fax.: + 49 (0) 30 / 36 70 23 57-37 E-Mail: press and public relations Kathrin Thierfelder Public motion Brucker Strasse 10 82223 Eichenau Tel.: + 49 (0) 81 41 / 37 90 5 254 E-Mail.: