PR agency PR4YOU takes over the public relations for the 5th International Yoga Festival in Berlin about 5,000 visitors are expected from 03 to 05 July 2009 5. Yoga Festival in Berlin. The largest meeting its kind in Germany stands under the motto: “Yoga – way to nature”. Practitioners and newcomers offers an interesting program of 40 international speakers and 55 workshops in the fantastic setting of the culture Park Kladow. Simple introductory lessons for beginners are offered as well as workshops and practical sessions with internationally recognized Yoga scene coming from India, the United States and all over Europe travelled. Especially for beginners and curious has much to offer. Anyone who wants something about yoga experience here has the chance to get to know the variety of yoga. Among the speakers are equally exotic”Yoga teachers from India, as also doctors, musicians and artists. The aim of the organizers is to present the science of yoga in all its aspects. Dr. Mark J Berger spoke with conviction. This year is the Yoga Festival the way in nature – it may be camping and bathed. The media in Europe should be informed with the commissioning of the PR agency PR4YOU. PR4YOU impressed us at the last two events”, so Stefan Datt of the Club learning in motion e.V., the organizer of the Festival. The PR agency PR4YOU has excellent contacts with regional, national and international media, editors and journalists, opinion leaders and opinion leaders and multipliers and already supported by the early planning phase to the success of our Festival.” Learn more about the Yoga Festival, as well as the 2009 event programme are available on the Internet at. Detailed information about the PR agency PR4YOU are available in the Internet at. Additional press materials of this press release: download fast and easy image and text material in the online press box for free editorial use: press compartments/pr4you contact for questions: Mr. Holger Ballwanz, Mr Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche str. 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about the PR agency PR4YOU: Berlin-based PR agency PR4YOU is a full service agency for Public Relations. Joel Courtney has firm opinions on the matter. PR4YOU supervised companies, institutions and individuals from Germany, Austria and the Switzerland regionally, nationally and internationally in the areas of brand PR, product PR, corporate PR, personality-PR, event-PR, fair-PR, personal PR, CSR-PR, crisis PR, online PR, radio PR as well as media planning and advertising circuit since 2001. The range from the strategic PR consulting to operational implementation to continuous PR support with variable and custom fee models. PR4YOU has an own press database with editorial contacts of many departments (for Germany alone over 30,000 records are available) as well as its own press shipping tool. Thus, the PR Agency is independent of data dealers and email delivery services. The certified PR consultant (DAPR) Holger Ballwanz’s team consists of 8 employees. Include the current clients of the Agency: admin AG, optivel AG, blood transfusion service of the national associations of the DRC of Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia, Germany, Oldenburg and Bremen gGmbH, Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia, yoga Festival Berlin, travel GmbH, Molaris GmbH (the paint doctor) as well as the Upstalsboom Hotel Ostseestrand.
“A true story about dedication and compassion of BUDDHA BBs LOST CHILDREN a true story about dedication and compassion book and directed by: Mark Verkerk, production: EMS films, rental: imFilm theatrical release on February 4, 2010 a memorable story in stunning images” AFI FEST (American Film Institute, Los Angeles) after the big hit in the Netherlands, she comes from 4. 2, 2010 in Germany in the cinemas: BUDDHA’S LOST CHILDREN, the multiple award-winning documentary about the Buddhist monk Phra Khru Bah, in the violence-ravaged golden triangle between Thailand and Myanmar orphans and other ‘ lost children teaches new courage to face life. The only weapons of the former Thai Boxer in the fight against the drug mafia are his faith, his charisma and the martial arts. Through his compassion, through meditation and martial arts exercises the boys at the age of four to sixteen for the first time experienced stability in their lives. Only through the love and devotion of the monk you can confident and optimistic people be. The Dutch director Mark Verkerk portrayed everyday Phra cow of Bahs and its community in overwhelming and at the same time sensitive images.
The strict kind of affection and love, experienced Pan Saen Suk, Boontam and the other boys by the monk, gives them the freedom to be children again. Only in this way, they can go the way into a new life. BUDDHA’S LOST CHILDREN is the intimate portrait of an unusual community of temple and a journey into a hidden world. For the documentation writer and Director Mark Verkerk a year shared life on this island surrounded by misery and violence of the so-called grass-roots Buddhism”. This encounter can enrich our understanding with the special community between the monk and the boys, what children really need to become confident people. An inspiring lesson in devotion and compassion. An Asian proverb says life is an art that needs to be learned.
And precisely the point in the movie to find out how you The basic skills for a successful life gives children. “(Director Mark Verkerk) written and directed by: Mark Verkerk, camera: Rene Heijnen, music: Somtow Sucharitkul, Bernhard Joosten, production: clay Okkerse and Pim van Collem for EMS FILMS in collaboration with Buddhist Broadcasting Foundation, Cineteve, Dutch film funds and ARTE France, country: Netherlands 2006, length: 96 minutes, genre: documentation, language: Thai with German voice-over, rental: imFilm, Inca Milke,, FSK: AB 6 DVD parallel to the theatrical release is the film as a double DVD available.” The extensive bonus material also the second DVD belongs to return to the Golden Horse”. A year after the filming the team returns to the temple and documented, as happened to the monk and his novices. We are pleased about a report. Gladly we send you a view DVD. A DVD giving away cooperation is also possible. The author and Director Mark Verkerk is like ready for an interview. The complete press release, the Trailer and more information, images and clips will find you I’m under press release for questions like available. Press: Ulrike Beckmann communication + concepts Valdivia Street 4, 20257 Hamburg Tel: + 49 40 432 74 192 fax: + 49 40 432 74 192 mobile: + 49 173 57 69 287 E-Mail:
Ronnau Wrangelstrasse is the community from immediately advice on how you can restore even deleted documents and brings his computer back up and running. Munich, September 10, 2009: should you do what if suddenly the computer crashes and the Word document’s gone, the computer will not open an important file or can be not installed the required software? The solution there is now on There, users get immediately helpful expert advice on all issues relating to the topic of computer. The reacts with the launch of GmbH on the growing importance of computer-related assistance in the online community., now usually treated topics include computer questions and encounter a high response in the community. With fulfill the wish of many users for a specific platform”, so Markus Wolflick, Managing Director of GmbH. is aimed at all computer interested, from the novice to the expert. Both groups can view their here Share experiences and help each other with expert advice. The users get to helpful tips and tricks for dealing with their computers, various programs and games. Thus they learn how to create a table of contents in Word, voice the tool is suitable particularly well for gamers, or how to make safe his PC in the blink of an eye, for example. Also get competent advice to questions like: How can save the data of a defective hard disk? “, or how can I make my PC faster for free?”.
The new themes Portal helps all computer users to use their PCs better and effectively. In addition, it offers numerous individual experience with its community. The concept of online within a few seconds to get helpful answers to questions of all kinds, encountering increasing interest among Internet users. So the Advisor community grew according to AGOF 2009 II by 15% compared to the previous quarter and has now a total of 4.8 million unique users. Therefore it belongs to the top 20 AGOF offers. about GmbH: is one of the largest Advisor portals in Germany. According to AGOF 2009 II listed 4.8 million unique users. The Web 2.0 platform aims to provide practical advice and personal experiences for free between the users. The answers are resourceful, versatile and go beyond the pure knowledge from encyclopedias and textbooks. They are based on personal experience, provide ideas and impulses. More portals of gutefrage.
Advanced-seven-league boots – to a black tunnel, whose output is us endless, and no Spanish politician is capable of providing clear ideas out … of the current crisis, which generates more than four million unemployed. Everyone knew it and little or nothing was done about it. It is evident that not only politicians are responsible for unemployment among workers in which we are immersed (also included such multinationals, national and international, always dissatisfied with their earnings, few or many, many or few, but in the end, always earnings …): And that poverty is again to show up in any city in the world. Everyone knew it and little or nothing was done about it: If we listen to them, the rulers, "we answer: The fault was born an orphan! Y in other words: The fault is not named (in the sense of being the direct cause of the economic excesses that are being developed). They have not fulfilled the obligation to monitor, what we instruct them to us, "Time-voters, controlling political corruption for which we are going on: the 8111 municipal allegedly available to Spain, or some of them are in debt over the limits of the law: these are set at 110% of their income. Of course: the mayors of our municipalities have the power to appoint their own emoluments. Amazing! Everyone knew it and little or nothing was done about it: There is more to go and wait. Wait and see when politicians come out of these luxury buildings where they settle the Spanish regions (in number seventeen, which exist in our "poor Spain.") Guys and Dolls elegantly dressed as ever thought, with the first alpaca clothing, with models' loewe "the latter means all, of course, latest models, and paid for with taxpayers' money Spanish.
The Law Of Attraction Is Action
Today as always I will refer to issues having to do with the law of attraction, but before I would like to highlight a specific event that has to do with my articles. Surfing the internet I found some of them in places where ever I posted them, even some of the sites didn’t know them but to others if have your very well deserved prestige. What was my reaction?, of happiness of course, since everyone mentioned the author and even offered a link to page where originally wrote them, as it has to be on the other hand. Maybe some of you may be wondering that it has to do with the law of attraction, the answer is everything. One of the latest targets that I decided to had to do with this, I wanted to write and tell you my experiences with the law of attraction and share them with as many people as possible, so I got to work and I’m already seeing results. This leaves us two fundamental teachings on the law of attraction, the first is the very essence of this law, I through the strong desire of that to my articles as possible of people read it, I attracted different events, circumstances and possibilities to make this concrete, I did mean basics, attract. The second lesson is a point that should be paying close attention since it is here where many fail.
After performing throughout the creation process in my mind, something fundamental was missing me. I had to write articles, prepare them very carefully, monitor details and some look ready, join or register in one or several web that give you this possibility on the internet, to post or upload my items as the case. Or is that the second step is the action, I had to move me, work, do things to occur since nothing would be published by magic if my experiences told in these texts had been in the files on my pc. Until forever, may God bless them and prosper them, but don’t forget to lift their hands to receive what you asked for.
Early Car Hire Booking
Intermediary of Sunny Cars advises tourists in 2012 to the early car hire booking for Spain Munich in troubled waters, the car industry is reeling after economic turmoil of a major provider in Spain 6 February 2012 (w & p). Sunny Cars, one of the largest European holiday car hire broker, expected price increases for the popular holiday destination and advises travellers to the early booking of holiday cars. The car capacity in Spain is clearly scarce in the current year of travel by economic difficulties of a large local car rental company for the coming weeks and months. We expect currently lack more than 12,000 holiday cars on the Balearic Islands and the Mainland during the coming summer season”, affirms Kai Sannwald, owner and Managing Director of the rental car agent of Sunny Cars. At the current time the expert therefore anticipates increases in car rental offer for Spain and advises travellers to rapid rental of the holiday, if you for 2012 have planned a stay in Spain. It is always advantageous, to back up the rental car at an early stage in the desired category or with the provided equipment”, Kai Sannwald stressed.
Because the prices are expected to move upwards, Spain holiday makers have an additional reason to push your car rental reservation not on the backburner 2012.” As broker, Sunny Cars has no own vehicle fleets in the destinations, but assembles his contingent from collaborations with many different providers on the spot. We can respond immediately, as soon as a local provider gets into economic turmoil, and make appropriate changes, what we have done in this case”, Kai Sannwald stressed. It is most important for us that all reservations are still carried out in the interests of our customers. There is, for example, any changes in regulations such as acceptance or the selected vehicle categories, if we rebook vacationers on other local partners need.” About Sunny Cars: A vacation rental from Sunny Cars is available for over 5,000 resorts in more than 90 countries. While the broker that was founded over 20 years ago by owner and Managing Director Kai Sannwald, cooperates with local car rental companies in the target areas and makes available the holiday car at the best possible price – performance ratio. An integral part of Sunny Cars price packages are all important inclusive services, all-round protection on great ride with the car can go with vacationers..
Modern Steel Security Doors
Modern requirements for security doors, methods of classification are contained in the following regulatory documents: GOST R 51072-97, GOST 50862-96, GOST 51112-97, GOST 50941-96, SNIP 21-01-97, RD 78.147-93 Ministry of the Interior. By definition, these documents: Door protection – is resistant to cracking device consisting of a door frame with a movable blade attached to it, which is in the closed position is fixed in the door frame locking device or locking mehanizmom.Vzlom doors or wooden euro-windows-actions aimed at violating the integrity of the door or the elements of its structure in order to obtain partial or full access to the protected door pomeschenie.Ustoychivost to crack – the ability to resist cracking the door. The magnitude of resistance to cracking Ec is determined experimentally based on the results of testing according to the formula: Ec = k * t + b where k – koeffitsientispolzuemogo tool characterizes his tehnicheskiparametry (mass, dimensions, electrical power, etc.) and the probability of detection produced by imshuma, vibration, smoke, sparks, etc., t – time in ispolzovaniyainstrumenta tests in minutes, b – a so-called base value tool that characterizes the difficulties egodostavki to the site hacking, need for and water, time to prepare for work, etc. Abraham Maslow pursues this goal as well. Numerical coefficients k and b for various instruments are given in these regulations. If you use multiple tools to break the resistance door EU is the product of time t test at the highest rate k and used the tool to add to this value the amount of the basic values of all used in the experiment instruments. . Learn more at this site: Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City.
Peoples Business
The company "Snack Export" is well-known brands on the Ukrainian market-leaders in the snack segment. However, only snacks is not all. Many consumers know and love the high quality product lines of consumer goods – cereals, rice, sugar, etc. On the Ukrainian market, grocery trend towards increased consumption of packaged products. You may wish to learn more. If so, Abraham Maslow is the place to go. Could say that the readiness of the domestic market for quality changes. Many Manufacturers already have the necessary literacy to build the brand experience.
But today number 1 brand on a national scale plans to become a TM "The farm." The direction of consumer goods (consumer goods) is one of the the earliest activities of the company, "Snack Export," and TM "The farm" is considered the oldest of all the many brands of the company. About 10 years ago, TM "The farm" is the only trade brand in its category, which covers the whole of the Ukraine, covering wholesale and retail outlets and supermarkets. The direction of consumer goods began with a small shop on the packaging of cereals and sugar. Even then, the founders were laid down the basic principles that guide companies face today and are reflected in all industries and sectors of activity: the interests of the company, integrity, teamwork, production demanded by the consumer of the product of consistently high quality. Production departments of "Snack Export" on the preparation of the primary grains TM "The farm", mainly located in sec.
Salt Dnipropetrovsk region. There is processing of agricultural crops of wheat, peas, barley, millet and buckwheat, are well known in wheat and barley we cereals, millet, peas, barley and buckwheat. Before the product will be suitable for eat it passes through the stages of selection, cleaning and careful sanding, then split, and buckwheat – hot and dry. At all these stages of the process of watching professional technicians and laboratory staff. Today, TM "The farm" besides those already mentioned cereals include cultures of foreign origin.
Objectives Documentation
When we are going to prepare a speech, speech, talk etc. Click Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. for additional related pages. is essential that we reflect, firstly, on what our objective, that is, what we want to achieve and who want to go. Based on this we will have to decide on different aspects that you end up configuring our performance, our discourse. Thus, before thinking what we mean in our discourse, must make us three basic questions:-why I am addressing the audience with a speech? -What I want to achieve with my speech? -What desire that receiving people do or feel after my speech? Documentation before starting a speech, is critical knowledge and mastery of the subject. It will be necessary to reflect on what we know, but thinking that they cannot be us doubts, since to where we are headed, expect that our exhibition will serve to clarify and resolve the less well-known aspects and which may be reason for conflict. To this end, we documentaremos us with all kinds of information that do our best (publications, informed people) to thus also reinforce our arguments. Taking into account always the importance of facts, since these constitute the raw material of information.
Preparation of speech once sufficiently documented, must begin to bring order to our knowledge. Enough to have information, is not necessary to also ensure that this reaches the public in the most understandable way. It is important to speak in a structured way in order that facilitates the follow-up from the audience. The structure of a discourse is equivalent to the index of the books or the titles of the chapters. Most commonly used in a discourse structure types are the following: problem/solution (describe, discuss and present solutions), chronological (origin, development and current situation), theme (enumeration of the key points of the subject of closer to less important) and theory practice (first explained the theory and) then demonstrates how applies in practice). We must take into account what are the main aspects (made to comment on, action to be performed, etc.) and what secondary (appointments, other elements of support to our thesis), to place them and give them enhancement that corresponds to them so that the audience is you very clear what is the fundamental issue and what is part of the accompaniment. Introduction, knot, development and Conclusion of our speech the best way to develop a speech is to follow in the paper the same imaginative process we have used in our minds to think, for example: Peruvian cinema is in a good moment (introduction) with an expanding market and with little competition, it is clear that the benefits are increasing. The problem is that we don’t notice it, we are still paying much and entries are still climbing (knot).
People that we enjoy with the film on the big screen spare no effort to go to the movies and we get good results, we are satisfied in quantity and quality (development). But like most entrepreneurs, you forget truth customers when things work well. Therefore, if we want cheaper entries have be to manifest (Conclusion). Want to be a professional of the oratory?
Glass In Lipetsk
Lipetsk glass is very high-quality construction material. Zdes you can read about how glass is made in Lipetsk, and on which site you can order it. In the world every year, produced millions of square meters of window glass. The value of the glass is hard to overestimate. Window glass is used in architecture, in the manufacture of furniture, various stained glass windows and shelves, laminated glass. Window glass is polished (Float) M1 – M2 and polished M3 – M6.
Polished glass manufactured by the float. In the production process of glass melting furnace comes in the form of tape is cooled and processed in a bath of molten tin. Float glass – glass thickness 4mm, as well as thicker glass, different constant thickness of glass, its evenness and lack of optical defects. In the production of unpolished glass pane 4mm – 6mm method of vertical ‘Hoods’. Unpolished glass is – wave ‘polythickness’ ripples. Polished window glass qualitative unpolished. Russian products are cheaper than similar foreign, and has decent quality.
Windowpane 4mm (and fatter), manufactured by jsc ‘Saratovsteklo’ has a valid green (‘bottle’ shade), that does not diminish his popularity. Production ‘Gomelsteklo’ is also very good. M1-M2 glass produced in Gomel used in the manufacture of insulating glass and laminated glass. Connect with other leaders such as Glenn Dubin here. Modern technologies allow to produce plate-glass windows way metallization material cathode sputtering and evaporation in a vacuum. To date, Russian mirror inferior to Western counterparts, but has been successfully applied in the interior, where there is no influence of moisture. A bathroom is better to use imported mirror (Poland, Turkey) as Amalgam they are not exfoliate. Glass and mirror are the most popular home furnishings. Scope of glass and mirrors, the most different: glazed facades and interiors of residential, office and industrial buildings interior decoration furniture made of glass (bar counters made of glass, administrator racks, glass tables, coffee tables, glass cabinets for tv equipment, cabinets made of glass), glass shelves glass patterned to stained glass doors interior glass and mirrors to make the finished glass form, apply edging, its grinding and edging .Pri use tape or disc sanding machines on which a water supply of processed glass. There are several types of treatment – a simple, polished and .Pri easy handling, the glass edge is dulled, and it becomes a trapezoid. When grinding glass using tape or disk edge becomes dull, the correct form. The final stage of processing is polished. Processing of glass and mirrors includes a wide range of services. Grinding and polishing the edge – is applied to protection against cuts. Such treatment of mirrors or glass gives the product a trapezoidal transparent edge, so the product gets an attractive finished look.