Platinum Blonde

One person in the xvi century brought an absolutely non-standard formula of female beauty, multiplied by three. In his opinion, a beautiful woman should be: Three white – skin, teeth and hands. Three black – eyes, eyelashes and eyebrows. To deepen your understanding William Davis MD is the source. Three red – lips, cheeks and nails. Three long – body, hair and hands. Three broad – chest, forehead and the distance between the eyebrows.

Three narrow – the mouth, shoulders and feet. Three fine – fingers, hair and lips. Three rounded – the hands, torso, thigh. three small – breast, nose and leg. xvii century: the cult of improvement. In the days of the classical era, the beauty of subordinate culture of improvement.

The woman was supposed to be the body of yeast, with a narrow waist, chest and a bit posh chubby handles. The xviii century: a return to natural beauty. xix century. Between the chaste wife and painful beauty. De Castiglione, "the queen of hearts Empire" was considered the most beautiful woman of that time, she embodied beauty female body thrush with fabulous shapes and exquisite bust. The second creative model of the xix century is a painful femininity. In this beautiful painting of a painful, dark circles under the eyes and cheeks vpadshie. Similar signs irritability and despair loom on the pictures of women with a mysterious, inaccessible and unrealistic views. xx century: from butch women to the beautiful Marilyn Monroe. In xx century the popular fashion of women with short men's haircuts, in mini-skirts. Thighs and stomach should be flat, small breasts, and dresses must show fairly strong hands and beautiful feet. After World War ii thinness was considered a sign of ill health. Hollywood, a place where dreams come true, creates a new ideal of beauty: sexy blonde Marilyn Monroe. A well-known actress who began her career by posing nude for a calendar, has become a symbol of beauty. Platinum Blonde embodies purity and sexuality, passion, and children's naivety. Gradually, the bourgeois ideal of consciousness replaced. It's time to refute the established models and justify women. Fashion may dictate anything, this Female beauty is manifested in personality. Nowadays there is no definite model of beauty. Blondes are still attracted to her purity, perfection and simplicity. A brunette – mystery, passion and sexuality. Source: Russian Dating

Babies And Sleep

It's 2am and your baby is for the third time since 7pm. She is 2 months old and of all books and magazines I've read is supposed to be sleeping believed NIGHT !!!!! How long can this continue?! As difficult as this one will not last forever. The first weeks of a baby's life are critical in establishing a healthy sleep pattern that can last a lifetime. At first your baby does not know much about the differences between day and night. It used for when the house becomes silent is the time to wake up and when there is movement and activity around it is bedtime. Gradually adjusted during the first weeks and how it is important to establish the bedtime and waking routines good time for her to understand your role in it. Here are some things to consider … 1. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Mark Hyman, MD.

Does your baby have a bedtime routine? Creating a routine is key. Bath, book, etc. This may be added as the child grows. 2. Is your baby going to bed age at the right time? This is part of the routine. We do know that we're just going to wake up from a bottle in 30 minutes, but putting them in place for an early night sends the message that "this is the hour of sleep." 3.

When your baby wakes up every time at night, you respond immediately with a bottle and that first touch and try the PAT and secure method to see if it's just normal night time waking? 4. Does your child take naps during the day, enough 5. Sometimes a little white noise can help. I sleep with a fan and use hymn CD for my babies. 6. Be sure to keep your baby's crib and crib free of toys. This is the place for sleep not play. 7. I'm sure you've heard to try to keep the night feedings boring. Change, feed, bed. No Talky playie not. In fact, I've done this with great success. 8. Upon waking make sure to greet your baby with a smile and good morning. I love that! The attempt to recall that there is no light at the end of tunnel and they are not alone. (This article is for informational purposes only and not intended to diagnose potential problems or ongoing issues. Please consult your physician for any medical problem.) Visit the website of the author or

Chronic Diseases

. . or unhealthy and want to feel better. If you are worn out and needs more energy. .

. or even if you are in good shape and wants to stay that way. . . this is exactly what you've been looking for! Over the next seven minutes that will show you a program that is 100% guaranteed to restore your health, increase your energy and optimize your weight. The Healing Power on Your Plate The food you eat is not just the calories that give you energy and fuel your body. .

. This information, fuel cell, immune support, free radical protection, detoxification, hormone balance, and shiny, smooth skin. . . JCVI: the source for more info. all wrapped in a delicious, disease-fighting package. That is, if you're eating the right foods. What if I told you that you can prevent Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, weight gain, premature aging, cataracts and macular degeneration, infertility, and IBS. . . all in one meal? Sounds too good to be true? Well, is not. . . Although most chronic diseases can look very different on the surface are really just physical variations of the same underlying causes. By eliminating the causes, the disease has no chance. I'll get to in a moment. But before continuing. . . Please let me introduce myself. . . My name is Kelly Herring. I am the founder and CEO of a company called Healing Gourmet. You may also know me as a contributing editor for comprehensive health and early to rise developments.

Horses And Skin Diseases

Horses are often susceptible to problems and skin diseases. The skin in horses, other animals and humans is the largest organ in the body and serves as protective covering for muscles and organs. It acts as a sensory organ for temperature, touch, pressure, and pain. Keep your horse’s skin is very important to prevent skin diseases and infections. This can be done by feeding high quality food, and be aware of changes in the skin and coat. There are several equine skin problems and these include: * Dermatitis * Tinea * Putrefaction of rain * Hotness Sarna * Queensland * The skin bumps (urticaria) * Itching * * cracked heels greasy heel * Warts * Dandruff * The saddle louse infestation irritates * * * Burns Onchocerciasis What causes skin diseases in horses? Skin problems in horses often occur as a result of allergic reactions to certain ingredients in the diet, some drugs and vaccines and as insect bites caused by flies, fleas, mites, mosquitoes, bees or wasps. If the horse ingests toxic substances such as chemicals, fertilizer and pesticides, and certain plants, can also cause skin disease. Fungal infections, bacterial, viral and parasitic infections and burns, frostbite and fotosensitizacion may also have a negative effect on the skin of the horse.

Sometimes an underlying condition such as hormonal disorders (hyperadrenocorticismo), congenital and hereditary, may also contribute to the development of a skin problem in horses. If they are not treated, the skin problems can become serious and spread to other areas of the body. Diagnosis of diseases of the skin of the horse’s diagnosis of a skin disorder based on symptoms, a physical examination and a review of the medical history of the horse. Diagnostic tests such as skin samples, scrapings from the affected area or skin biopsy can take to be evaluated under the microscope to confirm a positive diagnosis. Common symptoms and signs of skin diseases include: * Itching (pruritis) * Lumps and bumps * Swelling and inflammation lesions and pustules * * * Dry skin ulcerations scaly, crusty * Hair loss * Poor appearance of the skin and Help layer of skin diseases of the horse Treatment usually depends on the cause of skin disease. For allergic reactions, your veterinarian will prescribe anti-inflammatory and monitor the progress of the horse carefully. Medications such antibiotics, antifungal drugs, topical ointments, massage, antiseptic solutions, and medicated soaps may also be prescribed.

In addition, flea repellents, mite and lice in the form of aerosols, as well as a good program of deworming and vaccination for horses can also be recommended. A healthy diet and an effective preparation is essential in keeping skin horse. The natural remedies. Those without the unwanted side effects of conventional medications. The carefully selected ingredients to promote healthy skin and borage, horsetail (Equisetum arvense), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and kelp, provide symptomatic relief for itching, scratching, redness and burning of the skin. If you would like to know more then you should visit Apollo Hospitals. In addition, yarrow (Achillea millefolium), nettle (Urticadioica), Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia) and hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata). With a great interest in health and alternative medicine. I believe that natural remedies and alternative therapies have their place in modern medicine. I am confident that an informed person is potentially a more happy and healthy.

Reduce Food Consumption

Today I’ll give you 5 foods and 5 key tips to make you feel full longer, that are healthy, and help you reduce your belly and get a flat stomach and toned as you wish. 5 foods to feel full longer a Have a breakfast rich in fiber. Try to eat whole wheat bread or oatmeal. This type of high fiber foods are full of hard to digest carbohydrates in your body that will make you feel full longer. a Avoid junk food as much as possible. Proton Cancer Centre understood the implications. These foods are full of sugar and digest easily, so you’re left unsatisfied and hungry. a Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. They are a snacks are low in calories and will fill.

Apples are especially good to fill your stomach and have fewer calories a Eat lean meat. Thin cuts of meat is a great source of protein, such as fiber can feel full longer. Do not forget to drink plenty of water, this is not being a food but it is wonderful for you to feel full. 5 tips to avoid overeating a Limit the amount of food you have at home, including junk or fast food a Do not store extra food for unexpected guests. a Try different foods. If you have the same foods over and over again is more likely to eat too much without thinking. a Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. If you eat a day over the next day you should eat something light and exercising. The exercise will help you feel better and remember not to overeat. If you eat too much and not do to exercise you will gain weight.

Freshman Year

Now, I remember being a freshman in college, and let me tell you, there are a couple of key things to keep in mind (which most people do not). Institute of Medicine has much to offer in this field. One is how to manage your time, another is how to manage your money and, last but not least is how to manage your health (what most do not realize is that the three are closely related). So … why does this happen? There are many reasons why the poor freshmen come in thin (I know … we’ll have to make believe that occurred in lean to begin with) and go home after a year, a heavyweight and with an extra twenty pounds. For the nerds, the study of eating means- chemistry? No, chips. Pizza? Yes, help with math.

This is all due to the stress that builds up under the pressure of performing well and excel in the exams. Stress leads to “false hunger” false, because you’re not really hungry and just need to do anything to avoid going crazy. If this is the fact that now on their own. Fast food quickly becomes your best friend as your efficient time (although delay so it is really useless) and still the need to cook at least basic skills. Why study the art of making a bit of rice when you can simply by a cheeseburger at McDonald’s? Most students make friends, and therefore, the study groups, and therefore, for that substance in packages. Now that we are all doing it together, it magnifies the problem.

Diet Issues

It is an intense fear of gaining weight. It also implies a significant alteration of the shape or weight. There are subtypes of anorexia that specify the presence or absence of binge eating or purging: Restricting Type: Weight loss achieved by dieting, fasting or doing strenuous exercise. These people do not resort to binge eating or purging. These people are often characterized by greater perfectionism, rigidity, and feelings of ineffectiveness. Binge-Eating/Purging Type: The person binges or purging, or both at once.

Unlike the restrictive type, are more likely to present problems of impulse control, to abuse alcohol or other drugs, to express more labile emotional (mood swings) and be sexually active. To deepen your understanding Haley Barbour is the source. In addition, generally have a history of premorbid obesity and overweight. Precipitating factors are those that initiate the disorder. Defined by the failure of the individual to adapt to the demands required of him at any given time. In anorexia nervosa exhibit the following: o Body changes. o Separation and loss. o father’s marital breakdown.

Or sexual contact. o Rapid increase in weight. Or criticisms about the body. o disfiguring trauma. Predisposing factors include individual, family and sociocultural: o Socio-cultural. Or genetic factors. o Age between 13 and 20 years or introversion, instability or obesity. o upper-middle social level. If you have read about Mitchell Blutt already – you may have come to the same conclusion. o Family history of emotional problems. o Family history of addictions. o Family history of feeding problems. o maternal obesity. Or aesthetic value prevailing in the environment. The perpetuating factors contribute to the maintenance of the table: o Family interaction. o Impact of starvation. Or social isolation. o excessive physical activity. Anorexic OF PERSONALITY: People who suffer from anorexia nervosa have certain characteristic features. They are perfectionists, obsessive, emotionally immature, intelligent and highly competitive and highly dependent on their family. Their self-esteem depends on their weight and shape. They are unaware of their problem, and it is therefore very difficult to consult for weight loss. Usually go to the doctor for somatic discomforts caused by lack of food. Inadequate reasoning that often appear in these kinds of people: o “The only way I can be in control is through food.” o “With my previous weight was not happy, so weight gain does not make me feel better.” o “I won a kilo, I can never wear shorts.” o “If I won a kilo earn fifty.” o “It is better not enjoy anything because immediately disappear.” o “I am ashamed that I see other eat. “FAMILY AND ANOREXIA The families of these are overprotective and have high expectations regarding their children that hinder the development of their autonomy into independence in adolescence. Anorexia appears in this context as an effort to satisfy parents , thus achieving an identity shaping the back of a weak family oppression. Generally, these families deny the existence of the conflict. Mothers are anxious and overprotective, and find it difficult to accept that their daughters to mature and become independent. Some related research these personality characteristics with the loss of a pregnancy before their anorexic daughters. Anorexia usually occurs in puberty or adolescence and coincides with the time when it begins to cause separation of the family, is a stage where adolescents need more independence. Families that hinder this process favors the development of eating disorders in their children. So one of the goals of psychological is to make the patient achieve greater autonomy for his family.

Machu Picchu Inca Trail

Paco de Campos / there is another form of access to Machu Picchu: a route on foot for a privileged few that don’t do the usual bus. They say those who know that the Inca Trail is even more interesting than the Citadel. To make it must be booked months in advance. List: facts about Machu Picchu. See more detailed opinions by reading what Joint Commission offers on the topic.. The majority of tourists arrive to Machu Picchu by bus, but there is another route to reach the Citadel: the Inca Trail, a route on foot that allows 200 privileged a day entering in the Andean world and know its fauna and its flora while the usual visit to the popular archaeological forces tourists to share the experience with several thousand peoplewalk to Machu Picchu becomes an intimate experience with the Andean tradition, and in which the path itself is almost more interesting than the final destination. In four days, and 42 kilometers, during which extends the Inca Trail, there is also an alternate route for two days, the tourist runs a Centennial cobblestone that arrives at 4,200 meters in height, while transits by imposing and solitary ruins that appear by surprise in the unexpected high jungle of Peru. For Fernando Astete, director of the Archaeological Park of Machu Picchu, the Inca Trail is a cultural route that allows the tourist to delve into the Andean world, making it a required experience for which it is necessary to book, even with several months in advance. Wasn’t always so, when via started to become popular among tourists, in the mid-1970s, the admission was free and make the way, a tough experience aimed at adventurers can survive solo to the cold nights and demanding height of the Peruvian Andes. However, cases of tourists who suffered heart attacks or were buried by landslides of rock, something that motivated the Peruvian Government to establish complete control over the route since 2001 were not rare.

Chief Medical Officer Office

Thus, if Chief Medical Officer Office of Medical and Social Expertise is the 1st qualification category, it belongs to 14 category, according to acting SL, before lifting them and, accordingly, with a salary of 3949 rubles. However, in Actually it turned out that the new order he was to receive a salary considerably less than before the entry into force of this order – namely, 3,400 rubles, according to the Appendix 1 to the Model Regulation on compensation of employees federal cost of health and social protection under the jurisdiction of FMBA Russia (paragraph 3). Given the fact that this category of doctors is still classified as a 3rd level qualification, with step-up ratio for salary of $ 0.2 (20%), the salary of 4080 rubles. And this despite the fact that this Order sets the minimum wage at a rate of 4330 rubles! Similar calculations occur salaries and other office professionals medical and social expertise. Since the original salary of the expert of the main office, regardless of skill category is 4300 rubles without any multiplying factor. In comparison with PAG abolished this salary is again underestimated, because earlier in this category of leaders he was, in the presence of the highest qualification category, 4576 rubles, which corresponds to 16 bits. And despite the fact that paragraph 2.18 of the Order reads: "The wages of employees (excluding bonuses and other incentive payments), installed in accordance with the new pay system can not be less than the salary (excluding bonuses and other incentives payments) paid on the basis of Unified tariff for the remuneration of employees of federal government agencies, while maintaining the volume of official duties of employees and the work they perform the same qualifications. " By the same incentive-based payments under paragraph 4.2 (Order 305, section IV.

Botanical Garden

Such fact must in part the vision in that the urban way and problematic the ambient ones, in a totality, compose one macrossistema, joins in its essence and functionality (PAVIANI, 2003). Saints (1996, p.94) consider that totality is the set of all the things and all the men, in its reality, that is, in its relations, and its movement gegrafo Milton Saints already treated the ambient question as social from its workmanship divided space (1979) e, later also developed in its works the quarrel of the urban question, in the workmanships Of the natural way to the way technician – scientific-informacional (1996) and the nature it space – technique and time; reason and emotion (1996). Jurists, ecologists, social scientists, amongst others, had followed the steps of the gegrafo and today they underline the interconnection of each component of the natural way, forming one all. This because: If it cannot, for example, separate the river of the ciliar bush, of the animal life, aquatic and terrestrial. Therefore, fauna, flora and hdrico way form one harmonic one all, in which the man can have presence for the ambient support.

However, to if implanting and developing a city in this way, one introduces a new element, that are the man with its activities and interconnections of production/consumption, circulation etc. The urban way in this in case that it goes to breach the preexisting balance. in 44 years, the DF lost 57.65% of its native vegetation. Study of UNESCO it evidenced that at least 600 species of the original flora they had disappeared in this period (Op.cit P. 33). The irregular land divisions also contribute for the ambient destruction, about 54,2% of these land divisions are situated in areas of Proteo Ambiental (APA). Ecological sanctuaries as Amended Waters, in Planaltina, National Park of Brasilia and Botanical Garden> they are losing wealth of the fauna and the flora because of the uncontrolled demographic exploration that comes happening in the region.