
Anaerobic metabolism produces energy for short, intense exercise, lasting no more than a few minutes. A few minutes later the accumulated lactic acid reaches a certain limit, the so-called lactate threshold, and thus the person feels fatigue, pain and burning sensation in the muscles. Aerobic metabolism Aerobic metabolism produces energy for prolonged physical stress. For the synthesis of ATP from nutrient substances – proteins, fats and carbohydrates – used oxygen. This path is slower than the anaerobic, it involved the circulatory system, supplying oxygen to working muscles at a time, until the synthesis of ATP. Aerobic metabolism is mainly used during prolonged exercise of low intensity. During training, aerobic and anaerobic metabolism replace each other. At the beginning of exercise, ATP is produced by scheme of anaerobic metabolism.

As soon as breathing and pulse quickens, the body receives more oxygen and the body goes to the aerobic type of metabolism. Under this scheme, the body continues to work as long as reaches the lactate threshold. When this limit is reached, the oxygen is no longer enters the body quickly enough for the synthesis of ATP, so again "turned on" anaerobic metabolism. But this mechanism is designed for a short period time, so the athlete must reduce the intensity of exercise to prevent the formation of lactic acid. Restores body's energy reserves, depending on the intensity and duration physical activity as an energy source are the carbohydrates or fats. Fats are a good source of energy for long workouts, but under intense stress, such as Sprint, they are not used organism. If the intensity of the workout is low (when the heart rate less than 50 percent of the maximum), the body will use stored fat as an energy source for many hours, until body will do enough oxygen needed for the process of fat metabolism.

When the intensity of the load starts carbohydrate metabolism. It is more efficient than fat metabolism, but can produce a limited amount of energy. Carbohydrates are stored in the body as glycogen can provide energy for intense exercise for two hours. But after as the body runs out of their carbohydrate reserves, the athlete rapidly losing strength. Exercise can be continued only after the replenishment of carbohydrates in the body. That is why it is important to eat quickly digestible carbohydrates during prolonged exercise. If you do not replenish their carbohydrate reserves, you have to reduce the intensity of the workout so the body began to use fat as an energy source. With increasing intensity training efficiency of carbohydrate metabolism decreases, and the case enters the anaerobic metabolism. This is due to the fact that the body is not received enough oxygen for fat or carbohydrate metabolism. In fact, from a gram of carbohydrate you can get 20 times more energy in sufficient amounts of oxygen than in an environment where the body is not received sufficient quantity, that just happens in the anaerobic metabolism. If properly distributed loads, the mechanisms of energy metabolism in the body work for us, allowing to make your workout longer and harder. OnFit – directory of fitness clubs, sports shops, news and articles.

Psychology School

In accordance with Teixeira (2003, p.03), the pertaining to school psychologist has as function the following activities: Comments of the pupils at different moments in order to get given on the development of each child during the bimaster; supervisions biweekly with professors to argue specific aspects of definitive pupils (behavior and lack of limits, over all); meetings with parents (anamnese of new pupils, meetings convoked for the school or the proper parents). It is preferable that the psychology professional works well in organized and qualified team, where involves action next to directors, professors, people who orientates and parents with intention to obtain conditions that favor the development of the personality of the pertaining to school and if not to limit to the diagnosis, the orientation and the therapeutical guiding of the difficult pupils and with problems. The pertaining to school psychologist directly acts with programs of hygiene and mental health, contributing for the improvement of the educative process and the ambient conditions that propitiate the development of the individuals in the society. The difficulty of insertion of this professional in the society can be considered a consequence of not the recognition of the parents of the pupils and the proper institution, although to have conscience of that it is not paper of a clinical psychologist to act in the pertaining to school problems: It enters the difficulties found for the insertion of pertaining to school psychology, standes out the unfamiliarity on the part of the parents and the institution how much to the effective paper of this professional. They know that the paper is not physician, but at the same time do not see the psychologist as a facilitador of the teach-learning relations. (TEIXEIRA, 2003, P. 03) In an interview made for the Periodical of the Unesp (2006), with a researcher, Silvia Parrat-Dayan and a professor of Psychology of the Education, Fernando Becker, had as quarrel the indiscipline in the pertaining to school scope, where both interviewed had entered in agreement that the increase of the pertaining to school indiscipline mentions the excess to it of permissibilidade of the parents stops with the children. .


The term nutrikosmetika appeared long ago. However, long specialized nutrikosmetika not popular. Only now buyers are watching the latest innovations in the field Cosmetology, began to realize how important the use of special preparations nutrikosmetiki to preserve and maintain youth and beauty. It took quite a long time to people who are watching their appearance, understand: only use external facilities and beauty treatments do not always produce the desired effect. The saturation of the skin useful substances must come from within. It is designed to solve this problem nutrikosmetika.

Tasks nutrikosmetiki main task which must decide nutrikosmetika – IT delivery of nutrients and nutrients directly into the skin. It is not easy. If the body lacks the nutrients, it is primarily their receive more vital organs. And the skin will remain in the 'Cinderella'. This helps avoid nutrikosmetika. That includes nutrikosmetika? Nutrikosmetika – THIS IS considered a complex of vitamins, minerals and mineral components of medicinal herbs.

Prepapaty nutrikosmetiki are designed to hit just the nutrients into the skin. Beauty – Health IT. Nutrikosmetika – is the right care for beauty. A beauty – a satellite health. Only a healthy woman can be beautiful. This is what allows nutrikosmetika. Saturating the body from the inside the most necessary and useful substances, which are so little in our diet, nutrikosmetika BiOrganic helps keep youth health and vitality. Scientists, cosmetologists and beauty professionals in the field believe that a daily intake of only one or two capsules of drugs nutrikosmetiki whose components are carefully researched and are safe, gives women's ability to see and feel the positive changes in appearance and quality of the skin. Individual approach nutrikosmetiki feature is that every woman can find the product that exactly corresponds exactly to their needs. Therefore, manufacturers nutrikosmetiki strive to expand the product line. Nutrikosmetika stimulates the regeneration of collagen and cell regeneration, improves the quality and appearance skin, giving it a more youthful and healthy appearance, improves elasticity and skin tone, makes the wrinkles on the forehead, around eyes and lips less prominent; makes it less noticeable pigmentation and age spots, protects skin cells from damaging effects of free radicals. Scientific rationale Nutrikosmetika series is the culmination of many years BiOrganic scientific and clinical applications in the search and the oldest hospitals in Switzerland, focused on the use of phytocomplex and dietary supplements. Product development nutrikosmetiki carried out in close collaboration with the Swiss branch of the company LUCAS INTERNATIONAL (USA). That's why nutrikosmetika – the future of science beauty.

Beaches in Cadiz

Cadiz in a city with more than 3. 000 years old. The old town, separated by walls, houses and narrow streets full of taverns, which distinguish it from the most modern. In the old town, historic and artistic monument, lie the beaches of La Caleta and cuts, and also its main monuments, including the Santa Cruz Church, the Roman Theatre, the Baroque Cathedral, the Oratory of San Felipe and Castles San Sebastian and Santa Catalina. Mainly from Conil de la Frontera from Tarifa, are incredibly beautiful beaches, which are a paradise for water sports. From Tarifa can be seen in the distance, the African coast. Beautiful Zahara seafaring people south of the province, with very broad beaches of clean water.

The Sewers of Mecca – Perhaps one of the best places on the coast, where you can find quiet beaches where you can enjoy the sun, even nude beaches. The Sewers is a long street along the sea, where you can find some buildings, restaurants and bars. Conil de la Frontera can say that the place more tourist area just 48 km from Cadiz, where there are vast stretches of beach and Bateles, or Puntalejos Fontanilla, bordered by cliffs such as oil and West Creek . Tarifa – The meeting point for surfers from around the world. Here we find the Cape Tarifa, which divides, imaginatively, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. There is a narrow road with water on both sides, in which one side is the Atlantic, while the other is the Mediterranean. An experience that must be experienced if you are visiting the area, and a strange beauty. Tours and discounts The best way to tour the historic areas of Cadiz is on foot, but to visit its wonderful beaches, it is necessary to move a lot.

You can see how to get the REAJ-IYHF, with the discounts you quite cheaply on the Spanish youth. It costs 5 Euros, but worth it if you plan to travel over a long period of time or very often. You can get it at the municipal offices of youth. The alternatives of hostels in Cadiz are quite attractive. Of all the shelters some of the most prominent are the Casa Caracol, which includes breakfast in the price, Emilios Bar in Puerto de Santa Maria near the beach or the Municipal Shelter. Nicolas is a traveler and freelance writer, having passed most of the world, now writes for giving advice on HostelBookers variety of destinations around the world. During his trip to Spain, Nicolas was accommodated in the variety this country offers.

Healthy Weight Loss

At the global level has begun booming weight loss not only for figure, but for overall health and wellness. Each day we also find more publicity written, on radio, on television or on the internet that offers the best machine, the best product and up to the best magic formula for lowering, lose weight, or maintain her model figure; but unfortunately these formulas and all of this is at very high prices for pockets and just to think that we acquire and finished under a bed or in a closet saved us discourages or do so by such high investment. This is the best reason to search for the most natural way of lowering without having to invest large amounts of money on machines, equipment, gyms or strange pills to lower that can affect your health, or that it will not be permanent. The secret formula is simple, is easily obtained, of easy application and best of all is you who decides when, how, where and why it is going to do! In addition not only you It will help to lower, to look good and to have better health, but will also make you an organized person who program their life and will feel happy and satisfied and that is priceless. Schedule your first week of activities and you will see that the second is easy, simple, and will do so with more enthusiasm.

Don’t wait to having to be ill or so fat that his doctor almost forced it a little delicious diet for your palate, and thus recover their health a little or at least to keep stable, but already deteriorated. So you feel, don’t think about it any more and be smart in its decisions, lose weight naturally, gaining health, gaining wellness, winning desire to live and knowing what makes now for you and your health will be the reflection of his own in the morning. Every day that passes without a goal, it is a day losing health and welfare; its work is to begin, we give the instructions so that it achieves its objective, now, start your small investment will it compensated in your pocket to be healthy, healthy and with encouragement to move forward.

Sports Unlimited – Sportics.NET Now Also In Poland

With apps and social challenges, now also in the neighbouring country represented Kassel, November 16, 2010. Sport combines both FIFA World Cups, as well as many other sports major events is cross-border with looking. Now the sports portal successfully launched in 2009 in Germany has dared the step across the border Sportics.NET. Now follows the first expansion: as of now, there is the portal at also in our neighbouring country Poland. want to make already the German counterpart results comparable and available at all times.

In addition, there will be competitions among members over so-called social challenges. The this meets the spirit of the time when the offline as online equally active athletes, shows the number of currently almost 18,000 members on the German portal. is not about us but to the pure number of members. Rather we want to focus on the fun of sport and competition of individual athletes and its development. In conjunction with the existing today technical “We give the German and Polish users about the platform opportunities many tools at hand”, Famula, project manager of sportics Poland, Zbigniew pleased. As at, also the user at are divided into various groups of athletes such as perennial athletes, fitness enthusiasts and especially the coaches. Active athletes can lead sports journals as well as gather their statistics on the exercise, trainers have all power and fitness data of your proteges in views.

This is possible, for example, with the help of sports computers, which use many athletes. The collected data will be via the sportics smart agent, which is installed on the computer, simply by the transfer of the pulse watch or the cycling computer on Sportics.NET. More and more OEMs including polar, Garmin, Nike +, Beurer, to name a few, are supported already but a few sportics. Of course there are also the possibility of iPhone, Windows, or soon also Android smartphones data using mobile app transfer and then evaluate. In the blink of an eye, it can be displayed such as heart rate curves, elevation, speed graphics or repetition. But even more opportunities to compete for social challenges, which will be soon also on the Polish side at the start on with others to be added. The appearance of, as well as the ease of use and possibilities of participation should make it the athletes easier to defeat not only the numerous collaborators, but also the off and on again-burgeoning training frustration”, Famula stimulates the Polish sportsmen. Sportics Sportics.NET was launched in May 2009 by Frank Knobloch in life and is headquartered in Kassel. The sports platform combines the possibilities of modern networks and technologies in a meaningful and simple manner with the real sports world. By tracking, watching, planning, evaluating, comparing, replacing, coaching and watching live sports to local competitions and training is on every need thought. Performance data of devices with unique real-time transmissions can be both after exercise, as well as during transfer. This track the users live via Web or mobile on your phone. The sporting performances are recorded in the net and available anytime and anywhere. If you have an iPhone, Windows Mobile or Android, which makes with the mobile from his phone a practical sport computer for traveling.


Fitness training and its importance in health sports implementation and Forms of organisation of health sports health sport in the gym goals of health sports offered procedure five levels model diagnosis objective of training planning implementation analysis/evaluation build of a workout warm up body cool special education didactics and methodology error correction of a customer special training courses training control planning and organization of the training process of temporal classification of the strength training workout plan recognized strength training methods / determination of weight training methods to improve the maximum force strength endurance of mixing methods of strength training pyramid training quick power reactive power implementation and organizational forms of strength training agility training Trainingswissenschaftliche and fitness-specific basics of Agility training the importance of endurance ability mobility implementation and organizational forms of stretching methods coordination training agility training Trainingswissenschaftliche and fitness-specific fundamentals of coordination training implementation and Forms of organisation of the coordination training coordination and technique training sporting movement / motion analysis motion control bio-mechanics in the kinetics laws differentiation of insulation and more joint exercises Eingelenkige exercises/isolation exercises Mehrgelenkige exercises/complex exercises applications differentiation strength training machines/equipment free weights/dumbbells movement analysis fundamentals functional strength training in detecting and eliminating muscular imbalances influences on influences on the muscular balance in the sport have the muscular balance in everyday life have distinguishing different posture of trainer communications and motivation motivation needs sales forms sales pitches the success factors of the personal sales call trust and relationship build needs discover and concrete statements of personal conversation benefit argumentation practical training exercises, case examples practice (presence stage) instruction in the safety regulations of the Device training performing and evaluating a history of creating a training plan based on specific requirements of instruction and correction of customer requirements: recommended participation based seminar / C-license or similar basic knowledge. Content must be controlled for the fitness and health coach B license presence phase. A regular visit to the gym should be held up to the presence stage. For a successful completion of the training benefit personal training experience is valid “first-aid bill” (at least. 8UE) – can be submitted.

Eyelash Extensions

A few tips for those who do eyelash extensions and wants longer eyelashes clap: 1.Camoe main rule – less touch his eyes with his hands. So bad that the lashes fall off very quickly, so you'll still direct horror at the surrounding views of their horrible if they fall off and not all at once. 2. Wash, as usual, even go to the bath and no sign is not contraindicated. You can not just rub it in forever. It is best to carefully clean them low-fat cream or lotion. 3. Prolonged contact with fatty substances softens attachment.

So do not ever need to smear greasy night cream, and even more oil. 4. Sleeping with eyelash extensions also need to carefully – on the side or back. Stick his nose in the pillow I do not advise. Eyelashes of the insults do not stand up, and there is a chance to wake up one day without them.

5. Extended eyelashes curl is not necessary. Firstly, it is possible to break the attachment. And secondly, they are initially already podkrucheny slightly and fastened in such a way that the shape of the eye was the most harmonious for your type of person. Amateur home you just mess up the professional work of the wizard. 6. Staining ink, much shorten resnits.Ekonomite socks on mascara – save for the term of socks.

Horse Riding Holidays

Grattersdorf (tvo) riding dealing with horses in the Bavarian Forest. Ride through fields and meadows, ride the horse-drawn carriage through the forest, the fluffy little foal caress and learn all what is important in dealing with horses: small horse and rider put on the horse farm of the family Macri in Grattersdorf in the Bavarian Forest certainly on the right horse. From the pony up to the powerful draft can be found here for each guest the right companion. Under the guidance of Professor Georg Muhlbauer and his family earn even beginners the Spurs, children and young people, who have more experience in the saddle, may explore the wonderful hiking terrain with a guided ride. Twice daily to saddled the horse, when the horses are subsequently combed and fed in the stable, the small tab at play and sports, hikes and Campfire amuse themselves. Night is stylish in the Hay camp or in the tent on a greenfield site.

With riding lessons and full service, the riding holiday per day cost 45 euros. Information: Reiterhof Muhlbauer, 94541 Grattersdorf, Tel. 09904/846510,,. Our tip for the month: Small but mighty, with sulfur and moor: bad mushroom trail in the biggest thermal spa region in Germany, the Bavarian gold and Spa country, the smallest resort of the country is at the same time. The sulphur springs bath mushroom trail was founded already in 1283, over 700 years ago. Today, a traditional four-court star with in-house source of sulfur, ancient bog meadows and a lavish SPA/Wellness – therapy area awaits guests.

Valdai Hills

Battle for Demyansk pot – a battle which lasted a year and a fortnight and, therefore, is the longest battle, surrounded on the eastern front. Demyansk boiler was completely blocked by the Soviet troops from 25.02.1942 till 23.04.1942, the Germans then broke through the front and form a so-called Ramushevsky corridor. Demyansk ledge existed prior to February 28, 1943 For the first time in the military history of a German corps of six divisions obshey of about 100 000 people – nearly a whole army – well supplied with everything you need in the air. It is at the Valdai Hills in Russia acted first in the history of war airlift. About 100 aircraft were to arrive in the boiler and fly away from it every day. In certain cases, the number of aircraft reached 150.

As recalled Rokossovsky: 'The counter-attack the Army went without pause. The further they moved away from Moscow, resisted the stronger opponent. Even before the turn of the approach to Volokolamsk Front Command has resorting to creation of groups that at one or at another location, for which some part of troops from one army transferred to another. Such improvisation provided some local success. With the release of same to our troops Volokolamsk abroad has become abundantly clear that the enemy was able to recover from the blow, and that his defense is organized. Continue to advance available by the time we have by counting on decisive break the enemy's defense and further development of the success has been impossible.