Michel Pcheux

The Analysis of the Speech is proposal from the materialistic philosophy that puts in question practical of sciences the human beings and the division of the intellectual work, of reflexiva form. In accordance with one of the possible readings, speech is practical the social one of production of texts. This means that all speech is a social construction, not individual, and that only can be analyzed considering its description-social context, its conditions of production; it means despite the speech reflects a world vision determined, necessarily, tied with the one of (s) its (s) author (you are) and with the society where it lives (m). Text, in turn, is the product of the discursiva activity, the empirical object of analysis of the speech; it is the construction on which if it leans over the analyst to search, in its surface, the marks that guide the scientific inquiry. It is necessary, however, to point out that the object of the Analysis of the Speech is the speech.

all speech is inserted in a context. Context is the description-social situation of a text, involving not only the institutions human beings, as still other texts that are produced in return and with it if they relate. It can be said that the context is the frame of a text. The context involves elements in such a way of reality of the author how much of the receiver and the analysis of these elements it helps to determine the direction. The interpretation of a text must, immediately, know that it has an author, a citizen with determined social identity and historical e, from this, to point out the speech as sharing of this identity. It fits to point out that the text alone will receive this nomenclature (text) if the receiver from the message to obtain to decipher it. The proposal of a new called object ' ' discurso' ' it appeared with Michel Pcheux in France, its thesis Analyse Automatique du Discours in 1969.

September Health

“” “Based on step-by-step training is carried out up to the end of the professional such as fitness coach-A license”, BSA-personal – trainer certificate “, teachers of nutrition” or Manager for fitness and leisure facilities “. “” BSA skills allow the preparation to the public Chamber of Commerce exams fitness specialist Chamber of Commerce “and specialist for prevention and health promotion Chamber of Commerce”. Since 2009, leadership for bath businesses is the BSA course”also a preparation for the exam to the marked One for bad firms”possible. Since 2010, BSA members also to the specialist for occupational health management (IHK) can “and trainer for device-based strength training” qualify. Since 2011 the practical workshop is consultant for corporate health management”offered at the BSA Academy of knowledge acquisition is performed by Distance learning and compact presence phases in nationwide training centres. So, the qualification can be arranged optimally with professional and personal commitments. A promotion is possible such as by the federal employment agency, master BAfoG, the vocational promotion service of the Bundeswehr and regional funding. Many BSA attendance phases can be completed during the BSA course travel Majorca, which takes place in May and September.

The German school of prevention and health management (DHfPG), the sister company of the BSA-Akademie, builds on this experience in the field of fitness and health, and the high recognition of the BSA training courses. Studied at the German university students to professionals and executives for the growth market of qualified prevention, fitness, and health. The Bachelor’s degree programmes in the fields of study combine a training fitness training, fitness economics, health management and nutrition counseling with a Distance learning and periods of personal attendance at study centres in Germany (nationwide), Austria or of Switzerland. New study of the DHfPG from the winter semester 2012 is the Bachelor of science in sports economics”, qualified for the strategic management of institutions in the sport, including design and implementation of health-oriented offerings. All Bachelor’s degrees close after three years with the degree Bachelor of Arts”from. In addition, two master’s degree programs are offered.

During the study to the master in health management”, a diploma or Bachelor’s degree requires 1 year relevant professional experience, as well as the master’s degree in the study of prevention and health management directly in connection to a Bachelor / diploma programme can be completed. In addition, there are College continuing education, involving experts in selected theme blocks knowledge at university level can purchase. Professionally highly qualified people”can be admitted to the Bachelor’s degree without high school diploma/qualification. Lie the personal requirements, support through BAfoG is possible. The registration for the Bachelor’s degree can be done at any time, an application to the master’s degree is possible to the summer / winter semester. All Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs of the College are accredited and recognized in over 40 European countries. Meanwhile, over 3,200 aspiring specialists and executives for the industry of the future (as of March 2012) study at the University. Course – or study centres in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland available are for the periods of personal attendance of part-time courses of the BSA and the accredited courses of the German University.

The Fall

Caologia, a new social science start this epistemological approach with the words of Briggs and Peat 14 scientific chaos refers to an underlying interconnect that manifests itself in seemingly random events. The science of chaos focuses on hidden models, in the nuances, in the sensitivity of things and in the rules about how the unpredictability leads to new … Scientific culture that one hundred years dominates us each time with greater intensity some would say that we are even their prisoners sees the world in terms of analysis, quantification, symmetry and mechanisms. Chaos allows us to free ourselves from such limitations. If we can appreciate the chaos, we can begin to see the world as a stream of animated models with sudden turns … the idea is applied from medicine and the economy, until the war, social dynamics, or theories on how they are formed and change organizations. Chaos is ceasing to be a scientific theory to become a cultural metaphor. In terms of metaphor, the chaos encourages us to question some of our most cherished beliefs and urges us to ask questions about reality.

For one increasingly larger number of people, the world is perceived as a place where chaos is growing and this has increased along with the increase in the rhythm of the pace of change. For others, chaos does not exist and the chaos that manifests itself in things natural order, as in the fall, they perceive it as orderly and natural deterioration of the cycle of nature. But it is always possible to find the chaos within the order, but to do this we should inform our perception with new investigation of the environment or with a deeper knowledge of human nature, and thus, be able to perceive order within apparent chaos. The caologia emerges as a new discipline which, having as background the impressive development of quantum physics and its principle of indetermination or uncertainty, as well as mathematics that underlie it and emerge from it; It has experienced an accelerated development pose a series of knowledge that are beginning to be applied in diverse disciplines such as physics, biology, astronomy, geography, medicine and more recently in the social sciences.

The Hardgainer

The consequence of these micro-cracks is easily an inflammation of injured bodies due to water retention swells. This process leads to the muscle pain as they are known to everyone as muscle soreness. Because the soreness represents a sequence of micro-cracks in the muscle fiber and muscle inflammation occurs only hours after the workout or the load. A treatment against soreness is not possible, but the pain subside already by itself after a few days recovery. The once dominant assumption that a muscle soreness is the result of an acidification of muscles, are considered outdated, according to latest findings! Without the proper diet does nothing is as important as the training and regeneration is in the fitness & bodybuilding nutrition.

As the muscles should be supplied with the various nutrients to the muscle after training, an increased level of attention is here. It doesn’t help the best training if the diet is deficient. In the fitness & bodybuilding athletes should aim at a protein-rich diet, because only by intake enough protein and amino acids new muscle tissue can form. The rule of thumb says that a quantity of at least 2 g protein per kg of active body mass to run to. An allocation of 2 g per kilogram of active body mass for a Hardgainer is regarded as sufficient, whereas a Softgainer again may exceed this amount, whose diet should be based mainly on fewer carbs, protein and good fats. The hard gainer, however, his diet should be based mainly on a sufficient Kohlenhydratzufuhr and healthy fats, the rationale is to find that burns his energy typically much faster, much faster than the metabolism of Softgainers in the metabolic activity of Hardgainers. This makes for a Hardgainer much more effectively to increase its carbohydrate and fat intake and to maintain the protein supply at 2 g / kg of active body mass. Definition Hardgainer and Softgainer as a Hardgainer you referred to in the fitness & bodybuilding those athletes that have a very fast metabolism.

The Hardgainer increasing typically hard muscle mass and strength, as the fat of Hardgainers is usually very low. A Softgainer refers to those athletes who have a very slow metabolism in fitness & bodybuilding. The Softgainer usually fast increases in muscle mass and strength, just as quickly can win the Softgainer normally but also on body fat. Jens Kress

Metas In Articles

My have said to me as they could pay that aid to me. 90% of I do it to the times by friendship, respect and affection towards them; but always there is a 10% of the times that they insist until I say to them that they can make a contribution counts paypal. These have been of 1$, 5$, and I have received up to 60$ 97$, and are accumulated. You are very good in something? Marketing, accounting, like making friendly? It can offer consultancy in the matter, and receive for that reason. They use its free time in hobbies or applying those knowledge.

They will be astonished of much that can help others. There am the button here that I use after which somebody asks to me to contribute by my work: There is a source of income that gustaria to have to me in the future: referee of sport games, preferably in the league where my children play; that me daria but time to be with them, and to be able to gain something of money with this. To fill surveys, to write articles for some magazines (freelance), to buy selling caramel machines and to place them in places public, to begin a tax exemption, to take photos in celebrations, to design pages Webs. The fan of options exists, only that often we need to take action to reach them. There are some articles here that can help you to take action in your life already: My articles in the page of Articuloz As to take consistent actions To reach Metas In the Blog of my wife Dahlia they secure much information on goals and as to plan you do not lose them the oportunida one to do something in the life that really you like, it generates a money extra and it facilitates the way towards your financial security.

The Article

YOUR strengths and weaknesses: To know where you can get you must be clear that you can do. Perhaps your dream is to be a great singer, but if you don’t have that skill you can not proyectarte in that way. You must have clear to where you want to go, we can do everything for more than you want to, concentrate on specific aspects. A small SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, threats and weaknesses) diagnosis have on a personal level so that you can reflect that you have to overcome. BASATE in the experience of others: Seeks a model, leverages the experience of others, seeks advice.

There is long way that others have traveled and therefore we can serve to strengthen us as people, don’t miss it. Ponte goals: to achieve your ultimate goal, you have to put specific targets, with deadlines. For example, if you want to improve your cv and want to study English, plasma the goal into a notebook or file of your computer and have follow-up, be methodical. Take care of your health: There is nothing without health. It is not enough that you have clear goals if so you sacrifice your health and you may not yield the best of your ability. Get an annual checkup where you can view the State of your health.

YOU exercise: It costs many times but it is the best way to stay healthy and your ideal weight. Take care of your appearance: I always say it, fix you, be clean and orderly rise much your self-esteem, if you do not want you, who will do it?, don’t look for first love you or want to, do it first and that will be to the rest. WEAPON networks: The best in order to get ahead and reach your goals is to have social networks that favor it, join groups where you can actively participate and get to know people who can give you a hand when you need it. SHINES, shines, shines: Once you’ve analyzed in that you’re good, in which you Excel, become a firm promise to highlight in all places where you go, I know specialist, promote yourself, have your website, your forum, space, etc these are some ideas, I hope that you enjoyed.

Ponte Article

Matthew says at 17.20: 20 – Jesus said to them: because you have little faith. In truth I tell them: if they had faith, of the size of a grain of mustard, would say you to this mountain: remove you hence and beyond, Ponte and Hill would obey. Nothing would be impossible for you. (Here emphasizes us another fundamental point for the correct operation of the law of attraction for our benefit. And with this example shows us that faith is not present because of its size but simply by its acceptance.) The Gospel according to Saint Matthew says in 18, 19 20: 19 – also I say: If on Earth two of you they agree to ask for something, my Heavenly Father grant. 20. So where are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I, in the midst of them. (This teaching that we want to convey by these verses I think is the most important after the application of faith, and this will give heading to one of the hypotheses that I raise below.) Author’s Note: this article by its extension will continue next week. If you want to know more about the law of attraction and access a directory with the best links books and articles dealing with the law of attraction and quantum physics you can enter for free from sea of the Plata, Argentina, towards everyone, Walter Daniel Genga..


Anaerobic metabolism produces energy for short, intense exercise, lasting no more than a few minutes. A few minutes later the accumulated lactic acid reaches a certain limit, the so-called lactate threshold, and thus the person feels fatigue, pain and burning sensation in the muscles. Aerobic metabolism Aerobic metabolism produces energy for prolonged physical stress. For the synthesis of ATP from nutrient substances – proteins, fats and carbohydrates – used oxygen. This path is slower than the anaerobic, it involved the circulatory system, supplying oxygen to working muscles at a time, until the synthesis of ATP. Aerobic metabolism is mainly used during prolonged exercise of low intensity. During training, aerobic and anaerobic metabolism replace each other. At the beginning of exercise, ATP is produced by scheme of anaerobic metabolism.

As soon as breathing and pulse quickens, the body receives more oxygen and the body goes to the aerobic type of metabolism. Under this scheme, the body continues to work as long as reaches the lactate threshold. When this limit is reached, the oxygen is no longer enters the body quickly enough for the synthesis of ATP, so again "turned on" anaerobic metabolism. But this mechanism is designed for a short period time, so the athlete must reduce the intensity of exercise to prevent the formation of lactic acid. Restores body's energy reserves, depending on the intensity and duration physical activity as an energy source are the carbohydrates or fats. Fats are a good source of energy for long workouts, but under intense stress, such as Sprint, they are not used organism. If the intensity of the workout is low (when the heart rate less than 50 percent of the maximum), the body will use stored fat as an energy source for many hours, until body will do enough oxygen needed for the process of fat metabolism.

When the intensity of the load starts carbohydrate metabolism. It is more efficient than fat metabolism, but can produce a limited amount of energy. Carbohydrates are stored in the body as glycogen can provide energy for intense exercise for two hours. But after as the body runs out of their carbohydrate reserves, the athlete rapidly losing strength. Exercise can be continued only after the replenishment of carbohydrates in the body. That is why it is important to eat quickly digestible carbohydrates during prolonged exercise. If you do not replenish their carbohydrate reserves, you have to reduce the intensity of the workout so the body began to use fat as an energy source. With increasing intensity training efficiency of carbohydrate metabolism decreases, and the case enters the anaerobic metabolism. This is due to the fact that the body is not received enough oxygen for fat or carbohydrate metabolism. In fact, from a gram of carbohydrate you can get 20 times more energy in sufficient amounts of oxygen than in an environment where the body is not received sufficient quantity, that just happens in the anaerobic metabolism. If properly distributed loads, the mechanisms of energy metabolism in the body work for us, allowing to make your workout longer and harder. OnFit – directory of fitness clubs, sports shops, news and articles.

Psychology School

In accordance with Teixeira (2003, p.03), the pertaining to school psychologist has as function the following activities: Comments of the pupils at different moments in order to get given on the development of each child during the bimaster; supervisions biweekly with professors to argue specific aspects of definitive pupils (behavior and lack of limits, over all); meetings with parents (anamnese of new pupils, meetings convoked for the school or the proper parents). It is preferable that the psychology professional works well in organized and qualified team, where involves action next to directors, professors, people who orientates and parents with intention to obtain conditions that favor the development of the personality of the pertaining to school and if not to limit to the diagnosis, the orientation and the therapeutical guiding of the difficult pupils and with problems. The pertaining to school psychologist directly acts with programs of hygiene and mental health, contributing for the improvement of the educative process and the ambient conditions that propitiate the development of the individuals in the society. The difficulty of insertion of this professional in the society can be considered a consequence of not the recognition of the parents of the pupils and the proper institution, although to have conscience of that it is not paper of a clinical psychologist to act in the pertaining to school problems: It enters the difficulties found for the insertion of pertaining to school psychology, standes out the unfamiliarity on the part of the parents and the institution how much to the effective paper of this professional. They know that the paper is not physician, but at the same time do not see the psychologist as a facilitador of the teach-learning relations. (TEIXEIRA, 2003, P. 03) In an interview made for the Periodical of the Unesp (2006), with a researcher, Silvia Parrat-Dayan and a professor of Psychology of the Education, Fernando Becker, had as quarrel the indiscipline in the pertaining to school scope, where both interviewed had entered in agreement that the increase of the pertaining to school indiscipline mentions the excess to it of permissibilidade of the parents stops with the children. .


The term nutrikosmetika appeared long ago. However, long specialized nutrikosmetika not popular. Only now buyers are watching the latest innovations in the field Cosmetology, began to realize how important the use of special preparations nutrikosmetiki to preserve and maintain youth and beauty. It took quite a long time to people who are watching their appearance, understand: only use external facilities and beauty treatments do not always produce the desired effect. The saturation of the skin useful substances must come from within. It is designed to solve this problem nutrikosmetika.

Tasks nutrikosmetiki main task which must decide nutrikosmetika – IT delivery of nutrients and nutrients directly into the skin. It is not easy. If the body lacks the nutrients, it is primarily their receive more vital organs. And the skin will remain in the 'Cinderella'. This helps avoid nutrikosmetika. That includes nutrikosmetika? Nutrikosmetika – THIS IS considered a complex of vitamins, minerals and mineral components of medicinal herbs.

Prepapaty nutrikosmetiki are designed to hit just the nutrients into the skin. Beauty – Health IT. Nutrikosmetika – is the right care for beauty. A beauty – a satellite health. Only a healthy woman can be beautiful. This is what allows nutrikosmetika. Saturating the body from the inside the most necessary and useful substances, which are so little in our diet, nutrikosmetika BiOrganic helps keep youth health and vitality. Scientists, cosmetologists and beauty professionals in the field believe that a daily intake of only one or two capsules of drugs nutrikosmetiki whose components are carefully researched and are safe, gives women's ability to see and feel the positive changes in appearance and quality of the skin. Individual approach nutrikosmetiki feature is that every woman can find the product that exactly corresponds exactly to their needs. Therefore, manufacturers nutrikosmetiki strive to expand the product line. Nutrikosmetika stimulates the regeneration of collagen and cell regeneration, improves the quality and appearance skin, giving it a more youthful and healthy appearance, improves elasticity and skin tone, makes the wrinkles on the forehead, around eyes and lips less prominent; makes it less noticeable pigmentation and age spots, protects skin cells from damaging effects of free radicals. Scientific rationale Nutrikosmetika series is the culmination of many years BiOrganic scientific and clinical applications in the search and the oldest hospitals in Switzerland, focused on the use of phytocomplex and dietary supplements. Product development nutrikosmetiki carried out in close collaboration with the Swiss branch of the company LUCAS INTERNATIONAL (USA). That's why nutrikosmetika – the future of science beauty.