Valdai Hills

Battle for Demyansk pot – a battle which lasted a year and a fortnight and, therefore, is the longest battle, surrounded on the eastern front. Demyansk boiler was completely blocked by the Soviet troops from 25.02.1942 till 23.04.1942, the Germans then broke through the front and form a so-called Ramushevsky corridor. Demyansk ledge existed prior to February 28, 1943 For the first time in the military history of a German corps of six divisions obshey of about 100 000 people – nearly a whole army – well supplied with everything you need in the air. It is at the Valdai Hills in Russia acted first in the history of war airlift. About 100 aircraft were to arrive in the boiler and fly away from it every day. In certain cases, the number of aircraft reached 150.

As recalled Rokossovsky: 'The counter-attack the Army went without pause. The further they moved away from Moscow, resisted the stronger opponent. Even before the turn of the approach to Volokolamsk Front Command has resorting to creation of groups that at one or at another location, for which some part of troops from one army transferred to another. Such improvisation provided some local success. With the release of same to our troops Volokolamsk abroad has become abundantly clear that the enemy was able to recover from the blow, and that his defense is organized. Continue to advance available by the time we have by counting on decisive break the enemy's defense and further development of the success has been impossible.

Background One

For example, multi-colored beads in the picture. They make an excellent central elements around which the small embroidery with beads. Holes in bisereU most beads, such as grain and glass, the hole in the middle. But for some, for example, pressed glass leaves, flowers, “tears” and other beads of irregular shape, the hole can be shifted to one side. Typically, these openings are called lateral and situated in a narrow part of the oval, “teardrop”, leaf or other beads of any shape. Since the opposite end of the bead remains neprishitym, such beads are perfect for finishing the edges of the product and fringe. When it comes to bead with a central hole, then passes through the hole to the middle. In planning the work ahead, we must consider the location and direction of the holes in the beads.

And one more very important point, which attention should be paid before you start working with beads – is its color and finish. After all, beads, like the thread for embroidery, coverage is different, so it looks different, for example, dull or brilliant. Shiny beads attracts the eye, dim merges with the background. Covering the general form of the product changes depending on the type of embroidery that is how many beads gathered together – one or two or a few dozen. Iridescent beads, for example, has many shades, even if it is taken from one package, such beads are easier to sew in large groups – only if it is homogeneous. It’s a shame to spend a lot of time and effort, and only then discover that the green beads looks too dull, and the pink is almost no different from the background. That is why it is important to pre-embroidered design pattern, using the materials in the same proportions as in the finished product. See the beads in a bag or tubular packaging is rather difficult, as we look at it from different angles, but the embroidery will see only one side of it. Take the time to make the sample at the same time you check, like beads and threads look together, well if they are combined with other beads, and then proceed to rabote.Na today. If you do not want to miss the emergence of new materials at this site, you can subscribe to news feed through out the form below, or choose a convenient way for you to subscribe to the main page.

The History Of Perfumery

Scent – it is something mysterious, not conceived until the end of human beings, both in antiquity and today. Fragrance – is something from which thrills the soul – the most pure and joyful feeling. This feeling is weightless, easy, momentary, which cares captures, and leaves a feeling of unique happiness. Nature has all that you can take from it, to preserve and unite into one. For many centuries mankind has strenuously seeks and offers everything that is suitable for sweet raw materials, and how to get it to pass and keep the smell of nature. What was conceived as the art of perfumery, where it is hidden in the mists of time. Some believe that this was first discovered in Mesopotamia, while others – that this country Art – Arabia, which to this day is called "the country of incense." "Perfume – (Per – over, through, fumum – smoke), suggests that the first incense burned incense consisted of wood and resin. Burned on the altars of incense, this happened in the churches of Jerusalem, of Memphis, as well as Confucianism, and Zoroastrians.

Perfumery art studied all the people who passed the baton to each other civilization. The Jews adopted this art from the Egyptians. In the trail behind the Greeks, Romans, Assyrians, Arabs, and, eventually, the European nations. Ancient Egyptian priests are the first perfumers, but it was then known, how to prepare the aromatic composition. Egyptian beauties also used perfume and cosmetics, they were as numerous as now.

Eyes – The Mirror Of The Soul

His eyes reflect not only the mood, but also as a woman held the previous evening, how many hours she managed to get some sleep tonight and that it hurts. Of course, life's challenges in 15 minutes sometimes can not overcome, and look amazing need and want right now. Dark circles under the eyes and swelling of the weight to the view, deceitfully added extra years. You can use masking tools, but it is better to deal with adverse events in the skin around the eye, such as wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness, and special cosmetics. No need to remind that the skin around the eyes is very different from the face and thick, and structure. So funds for the skin around the eyes should be specialized – like cleaning and moisturizing and nourishing.

How to remove makeup with eyes, we know very well. I would like to remind that to get rid of make-up is necessary every day to night, the skin around the eye was able to recover and not suffer under the weight of the decorative cosmetics. So the first thing that we can recommend – it's Liquid Eye Makeup Remover Mary Kay. "Crow's feet" are due to facial expressions and lively appear before other facial wrinkles. Additional reasons for their occurrence can be squinting, especially in the sun, rubbing the irritated or tired eyes. The skin is stretched at this point and strongly deformed, but due to the small cross-linking of collagen fibers, and almost no body fat can not be restored immediately.

Internet Beauty Contests

The Internet beauty contest "Miss Atom-2011" started last week registered member. Girls wishing to participate in the contest can fill out a questionnaire to 16.00 Moscow time on 26 May 2011 27 May to begin the on-line " vote on which results will be announced the winner of the contest. The contest "Miss Atom" may be involved girls working in enterprises and organizations of the nuclear industry, research institutes, students and post-graduate specialized universities of Russia and former Soviet republics. To participate as invited contractors and workers of related organizations nuclear industry. Conditions for participation in the Miss Atom-2011 "published on the official website of the competition. "In this year's competition a lot of openings: girls who first try their hand in" Miss Atom ". Perhaps it is an occasion to talk about continuity, continuation of traditions ", – noted CEO Nuclear.Ru Ilya Platonov. Initiated and organized the contest "Miss Atom" – Portal Nuclear.Ru.

Miss Atom-2011 "is supported by the Group of Companies Atompromresursy, Dutch cosmetics company Keune Haircosmetics . Information partners of the contest – the newspaper Atompressa "," Country of Rosatom, the Bulletin Atomproma , Amsterdam Luxury Magazine In Internet beauty contest" Miss Atom-2011 "opened last week in the registration states. Girls wishing to participate in competition can fill out a questionnaire to 16.00 Moscow time on 26 May 2011 27 May to begin the on-line "vote, the results of which will be named the winner of the contest. The contest "Miss Atom" may be involved girls working on the companies and organizations in the nuclear industry, research institutes, students and post-graduate specialized universities of Russia and former Soviet republics. To participate as invited contractors and related workers organizations of the nuclear industry. Conditions for participation in the Miss Atom-2011 "published on the official website of the competition.

"In this year's competition a lot of openings: girls who first try their hand in" Miss Atom ". Perhaps it is an occasion to talk about continuity, continuation of traditions ", – said director general Nuclear.Ru Ilya Platonov. Initiated and organized the contest "Miss Atom" – Portal Nuclear.Ru. Miss Atom-2011 "is supported by the Group of Companies "Atompromresursy, Dutch cosmetics company Keune Haircosmetics . Information partners of the competition – the newspaper Atompressa "," Country of Rosatom, the Bulletin Atomproma , Amsterdam Luxury Magazine

Glowing Radiant

2. Eat in moderation (as needed). Did you know that eating in moderation you can eat anything you want? So you will not have to sacrifice your favorite foods and desserts, a spoonful of snow can be as satisfying as six. 3. The best you can do to lose weight is to drink plenty of water. Water has many benefits for your body, makes you feel full killing the feeling of hunger, drink a glass of water every two hours does wonders for your body, doing this everyday you will start to discard items undesirable and toxic to your body making more and more healthy, in addition, water helps in the digestion of food and makes it easier for the body to absorb nutrients from them.

4. Adding more beans to your diet will help you not so much hunger. Beans are a rich source of protein, eating beans but not eat much meat, the meat is high in fat, I am not saying he no longer eat meat, no, replacing meat with beans once in a while you’ll be getting less fat and more proteins. 5. Last but not least, go to the gym Go to the gym will help even more to burn those calories and tone the muscles in your body, you must be active if you want to remove fat, this will accelerate your metabolism, you begin to exercise begins a chain of reactions in the body and the fat will disappear quickly, even when you’re finished exercising your metabolism is running burning those calories, the fact is that this will also increase your energy. No matter how many “Gurus diet, “they tell you that you can lose weight fast, you’ll have better results if you follow the slow process to achieve your goal weight, I have just read are just some things you need to do to lose weight, but there is much more than most put forward here for all of you. To suggest a health or beauty item which are interested or wish to receive my posts in your email write to me: we grow in health. Creator’s Blog This blog will find everything related to Health and Beauty, as well as news of current interest, Tips, among many other things that will help you stay Healthy and Glowing Radiant

Velasco Aquatic

The concept of swimming is not most used for traditional swimming, but it is understood here as any motor action that the citizen tries intentionally to propulsionar itself through the water (FREUDENHEIM, GAMMA & CARRACEDO et al., 2003 apud LANGENDORFER, 1986). Therefore, the term swimming for babies is used in this study. The infantile aquatic stimulation has for objective to stimulate the form individual that by means of these movements learns if to know, to create and to develop its abilities of a playful form and with pleasure, because the activities in the aquatic way offer to experiences and distinct experiences of the practised ones in land (CUSTDIO, 2009). According to Native of Damascus (1997), ‘ ‘ the psicomotricidade and swimming are interrelated and confused as indissociveis aspects of one same realidade’ ‘. In the agreement of Fonseca (2002), the sensorial and psicomotor bedding, is different when the individual this or remains in the water of what in the land, therefore the especificidade of a new postural and motor learning in that envolvement is more expressive and exploratria possible. However, Velasco (1997) standes out that the learning in the aquatic environment cannot happen without before evidencing the pleasure and comfort, security conditions, therefore without these three adjectives not to as to carry through a session of infantile psicomotricidade.

The environment must be most pleasant possible so that it has a good organization of the psychological components, in a harmonious and functional way. For the related author the half liquid puts a new condition psicomotriz architectural, constructs in the base a polissensorial integration that it differs from the motricidade in the land. In the water the sensorial integration has of being learned, what of explaining previously that such integration if carries through in the brain of the baby or the child who practical swimming.

Dietmar Laubscher

This is although theoretically possible, but unlikely. Innovations are the cut-throat of competition, which it will not allow without opposition in growth and necessary. Also, only a highly motivated workforce is ready and able to accommodate additional loads on. Still, revenue increases above a certain size cause usually additional costs. This can even lead to negative profits. From this perspective, the headcount reduction is almost seductively easy and lucrative multifunctional Staff Union at the present degree of organization of companies you can waive no personal position.

On the contrary, it be exercised several functions in personal Union and on all levels: Financial Director also assumes the business supervision; the buyer organises the fleet, the production manager is also environment, dangerous goods and security officer and the master represents the Head of Department, squad leader, trainers and fire safety in a person. Who does not know that. By you but the function and service providers with many supporting tasks, this remains less and less time to worry about the issues for which she the company – hired the pursuit of business objectives. Now no new evidence and the effects are sufficiently well-known customers at a glance everything. But customer satisfaction”as lip service not only remains, it is also important to take a look at the past. Customer relations addressed sufficiently? Is the workforce strategically necessary? Or have reduced also your customer base even at the end of the day with your staff? Conclusion: To impact one – recognized later as wrong – staff reductions to avoid, should be accompanied by priority measures for the motivation of the staff always cost reduction projects in conjunction, where motivation by many individually on the employees and the needs of the company tuned Measures can be implemented.

This creates the prerequisites for long-term planning, trust-based cooperation and positive perspectives for all parties (companies, employees and customers). These future opportunities will get an important place in the rating. Also analysts should reward more efforts of this kind. In summary it can be stated, that a mix of targeted measures appears to be optimal, and there are other ways to react as the removal of the main capital of the company to the turmoil in the market the Humancapital! Dietmar Laubscher – business consulting contact: partner of TRUST & COMPETENCE the expense Manager. Experts for success. Peter Cornelius 4th 55118 Mainz Tel: + 49 6131 212 35 64 fax: + 49 6131 212 35 79 email:

Breast Surgery

Their main goal – form a good breast shape with minimal incisions and sutures. When makromastii and breast ptosis, often carried out operations using their own tissues. Sometimes the correct small sagging breast implants can install. For the imposition of cosmetic skin sutures are used absorbable and nonabsorbable modern threads to ensure good healing and aesthetic effect. If the sutures were made of traditional materials, they are removed at 12-14 days. Excess breast tissue is removed during reduction mammoplasty, is often changed as a result of mastitis, and it reduces the risk of resection prostate malignant transformation. During the operation removes excess breast tissue and subcutaneous adipose tissue and mammary glands form the desired shape and size. Special Operations Group – Correction nipple and areola, in cases not satisfactory in their size and location.

Keep in mind that often when transplanted nipple-areola complex followed by breast-feeding impossible. Postoperative period. Recovery. Typically, the patient discharged home the next day after surgery, and sometimes the same day. In the first few days after surgery may be a feeling of tension of the skin at the site of surgery, severity, and tightness of breath occurs as a result of postoperative edema.

2-3 days is normal appearance of moderate pain in the area of operations, which calmed medication. Normally also, the appearance of postoperative depression, usually on the second day after surgery, but this state is held two days later and never returned. Swelling after surgery subsides within two weeks. Within 1 month to wear special compression underwear. Within a week you can return to normal life and go to work, avoiding heavy loads. Results Compliance with all recommendations mammoplasty doctor before and after the surgery reduces the risk of complications to minimum. Among the most common complications: subcutaneous hematomas (risk of their occurrence is increased in smokers, are on their own within 2 weeks), inflammatory changes of soft tissues (in patients with reduced immunity), the occurrence of hypertrophic scars (if an individual inclination for their appearance), kotraktura prostheses (with the incorrect selection of implants are too large). Currently, plastic surgery breast augmentation are becoming popular in Russia. World experience and all the studies in this area confirm that the installation of high-quality implants does not cause cancer and other diseases, does not affect the sensitivity of the glands, and is not an obstacle for lactation and breastfeeding (within 12 months after surgery), subsequent pregnancy.

Dreams Come True

I think each of us in childhood tends to grow up to become a grown woman, to sum up his eyes, lipstick, put on beautiful dresses, using expensive perfume. The girls admired their mothers in every day watching them going to work, trying to remember every detail, how to paint eyes and lips. And my mother is to go beyond the threshold, as a run run to her dressing table and repeat all that time to remember. Is applied to its soft, velvety skin powder, brings his eyes and thick layers of lipstick. As a child, and we do not realize that to truly be an adult woman is very hard, and it is great work. Reaching an age where not only can, but already need to use cosmetics, we know that freshness back old skin will be nearly impossible. But do not despair. Cosmetic company DeSheli help the impossible become possible.

This is a unique cosmetic company, which together with leading laboratories developed a method of treatment of the skin. All products Crystal Youth belong to a class of integrative cosmetics. Integrative Care DeSheli with “intelligent crystal” skin care, repairing and restoring its natural functioning. Their active effect prevents the symptoms of a negative impact on the skin. Also with them is achieved by getting rid of existing symptoms by regulation of all occurring in the skin system processes. Reactivation of cutaneous system occurs through the creation of a resonance-frequency balance in the skin that allows for the harmonious functioning of the skin of the whole system. Resonant frequency regulation implementing “intelligent crystals.” They can effectively influence the elite cosmetic products Crystal Youth stimulate domestic balance of the skin. Cosmetic market is evolving, and therefore the ability to be beautiful and not afraid of his age is becoming more accessible.

If before the women and girls were subjected to a difficult path to achieve goal, but now the dream of becoming real. Israeli cosmetics DeSheli did everything possible to ensure that women can be proud of their age and not be afraid of the first signs of aging. Do you have a terrific opportunity to prevent signs of aging without going to beauty parlor, and on their own, at home to deal with pressing problems. The entire procedure takes less than 40 minutes. But after the first procedure, you will feel a big difference. You feel like your skin is cleansed, smoothed out the wrinkles. If you still do not believe, then what’s stopping you try? Especially because it was so accessible and enjoyable.