When I decided to publish this article, it had in mind convey part of lessons observed and experienced as Executive and consultant, wanted to put at the disposal of all those entrepreneurs, some advice from guidance on phenomena that occur during the course of creation of the company, the normal operation of that and when the Organization must cope with crisis. Thus, to address the issue I was becoming aware of a phenomenon that goes unnoticed in the Vortex itself be effective, efficient, successful and generate profit for the Organization and this phenomenon have called it the emotional health of people in the company, whether they are owners, executives and workers. And the obvious question, which has to do with the title of the article, as well, much since the transit of the company among the decisions and the crises will be defined by the emotional health of all who comprise it, (stress everyone). We must agree that the next minute of created and legally constituted company, this body has dimensions that go beyond the property of those who founded it and integrate, becoming for some object of veneration, I hate tool, medium and objective. With this perspective, we should also agree that all these emotional vectors affect or will eventually affect the quality, quantity and form of the growth of the company, its planning, projects and projection. With this in mind, I returned to look at my notes trying to sort ideas to deliver a letter from navigation to recognize how it affects the quality of the divine spark with which its founders endowed it, to the history of the company and how to appreciate it those who comprise it. Well, how it is of managing the transit of the company between decisions and crises, is attributable to as face every day the work of the company having acutely aware that despite being assessed and reassessed our project company, plan business, financial plan, successful business and achieved agreement, the vector that can vary such results in 360 is the human dimension of the company, if we therefore speak of emotional health.
The Dialogue
Sight thus, seems difficult to think that in our Life there will only be a unique person with whom we will feel a special and deep connection. As we extended our vital experiences and whatever more people we ventured ourselves to be knowing in our life, more probabilities we must to find other people with whom we feel has a good connection or feeling then and with whose interaction we become rich. And since we are continuously changing (no matter how little it changes a person, its form to think and to reason and its attitude before the life is not the same that when it had 14, 15 or 16 years), one does not connect now with the same people who when he was adolescent. The concept twin soul can take implicit the affective dependency; supposition that is another person whom it complements to us and without which our life does not have a complete sense takes to us to have to need that relation. Then, that relation no longer is a healthy relation based on the decision to choose to share part of our life with another person and from generous desire to give and to receive, to enrich to us and to add to which already we are like individuals. A pair relation is not born right away by very compatible that we are with the other person and by very near and comfortable that we feel with her until the point to feel that it must be our twin soul, we are but constructing it day to day, maintaining the dialogue abierto, being open to negotiate the differences that will be arising, learning to be decisive, cultivating our clearly patience and knowing that we are two individual beings, each with its vital space, its friendships, their family and her own objectives and goals who have decided to approach to add to which each already it is by individual.
Prevent Muscular Injuries
Who practises physical activity of high impact can suffer to the times with muscular injuries. Research already shows that the Alimentary Supplements as the Protein helps preventing these muscular injuries. Beyond a balanced feeding it is basic that you make a suplementao in its feeding with the protein use of milk as the Whey Protein. These injuries can be prevented or brightened up, for this it is recommended that beyond the feeding and supplements if it makes an allonge before and after the treinos. Types of more common injuries: – Bruise: It is an injury caused for impact – Tendinite: Inflammation in the tendes – Distenso: Excess of allonge of the muscle – Accession: Disruption of the muscle As to prevent muscular injuries: Allonge: The allonge must be the part most important of its trainings, makes the allonge of the muscles that will be to work. The first allonge is most important to prevent the injuries, therefore its body this cold and the muscles also, then capriche.
Heating: After the allonge is hour to make a small heating of its muscles. It starts with 2 series of 15 repetitions of the exercises that you will make in the day, or you she can change the series per one 20 minutes of race in the mat. Focus in the exercises: It gives attention in the movements that you are making in each exercise, the majority of the injuries happen due to focus of the athletes. In case that you already are lesionado you are necessary to have patience, the necessary muscle of a time to recover and in this half time is not recommended that if it makes exercises that stimulate the lesionado muscle. It has sufficiently patience therefore the injuries outside keep can you of the academies for a indeterminate time, then it is prolongated, it made use of supplements as the protein and gives attention in the movements of the exercises.
The Top Address For The Transport Industry’s
With the big nationwide provider directory, the freight exchange and many useful information about German-Transportgewerbe.de has become one of the largest and most successful transportation portals on the Internet. Who a company from the transportation sector, logistics, transportation, courier or truck workshop seeks to be the nationwide provider directory on Transportgewerbe.info be very helpful. German-Transportgewerbe.de With the integrated search function can be interesting vendors quickly found. Simple keyword, city or ZIP code and enter a list appears with all related businesses. Even faster the search goes beyond popular slogans – such as office logistics, express deliveries, receiving or forwarding siding – or on the ten largest German cities, such as freight forwarding company in Berlin, Hamburg, etc. The transportation providers found are displayed with contact details, links, images and description . Helpful is the function of your order book will be filtered out with interesting vendors for 14 days tothey ask, for example by e-mail specifically to an offer. Besides the major German supplier directory Transportwesen.de still offers much more. In the rubrics transport industry, transport and transport magazine presents extensive information on many different aspects of transportation, such as business news, news producers, fuel card systems, truck stops in the test. Two real treat for transportation and highway fans are the menu Punke Raodshow and special exhibition. Roadshow presents an almost complete photo gallery of the signs and exit ramps and on German motorways. Under special historical images from the history of transportation can be found. Media
The Baby
The infection of the breast can most of the time be prevented, the nursing team will be able to guide purperas during the puerprio in what it says respect to the mastite working in the prevention of these complications through cares how much to the rigorous hygiene of the hands before the loved ones and in the delicate manuscript of breast (ZIEGEL; CRANLEY, 1985). ADVANTAGES OF the MATERNAL ALEITAMENTO Dutra (2008) display that colostro is the chest milk that the woman after produces in the first days the childbirth. He is thick and of yellowish or transparent color, in its properties he is rich in diverse anti-infectious factors, in Imunoglobulina antibodies (IgA) the secretria one? main factor of immunity in maternal milk and vitamin. Protects the baby against the infections and allergies, since this does not obtain to produce its proper antibodies (proteins in the blood and maternal milk that fight the infection). The benefits for the woman are innumerable: it facilitates to the establishment of the affective bond mother and son; it prevents the hemorrhagic complications in the after-childbirth; it favors the uterine regression to its normal size; it contributes for the return fastest to the weight daily pay-gestacional; It can be natural method of familiar planning, when the child is in exclusive maternal aleitamento, however only before the six months, in free demand, also during the night, and that the mother has not still menstruado; it can reduce the risk of cancer of ovrios and suck and to prevent osteoporose (BRAZIL, 2001b).
Diet Angle
Diet angle is special an alimentary plan of 16000KCAL, for people whom difficulty has to gain weight. With diet angle you who have difficulty to gain weight, will be able to get resulted fantastic and healthful. In one month of diet angle you can earn up to 5 kilos of form healthful. Diet angle must daily be carried through and you do not have you are more than 3hs without if feeding. To always add 1 oil spoon of oliva in the meals (lunch and supper); honey, fruits, skimmed milk of cow and milk of soy, mucilon of maize/rice, lctea flour (coffee of the morning, light meal, snack of the afternoon and supper). Light meal will be the snack of 09hs, a period enters the coffee of the morning and the lunch, where you must eat a fruit of its preference or a bar of cereal light (rich marks in staple fibres: Neston and Supino). In the lunch to eat vegetables, vegetables, mass (cassava, inhame, face, potato, rice), beans or pea/lentinha, 1 file of meat without fat of its preference, natural juice without sugar; not forgetting to add 2 spoons of linhaa and 2 oliva oil spoons. In the snack you to eat salada of fruits without sugar or slices of integral bread that can be substituted (options in the coffee of the morning).
In the supper to eat something lighter as a soup of its preference or a hamburger baked with fine slices of colds (ham of Peru, white cheese light), folloied for 1 natural juice cup without sugar (it can more be of the type light). Also if it can repeat the option of the lunch without oil/substituting (with goal of the portions of rice, beans and meat). In the supper that must occur after the supper, that is, before sleeping you must take a yoghurt light or skimmed, folloied with 1 chestnut of Par/hazelnut/nut, adding 1 dessert spoon of linhaa/oats bran/granola. Carrying through diet angle you whom much difficulty has to gain weight will have resulted satisfactory, therefore I obtained to gain 17 kilos of healthful form in only 3 months.
Cultural Revival Of Russia
Philosophical culture – is not only external, but internal beauty of the world of philosophical creativity. In Russia, the level of philosophical culture is low. The Russian people stopped to think for themselves. We therefore have no original evolution of thought. Philosophical culture requires serious intellectual work. In our country, a little philosophy and religion who are interested in this.
This implies a spiritual crisis that has engulfed the whole of Russia. Fading faith and love of the truth (God), there is no independent boldness of thought, develops moral cowardice, which creates a tense atmosphere. In modern Russia, some philosophers have, in most cases too abstract and divorced from living. They do not realize what a negative role in their debates on television. Uncultured nation with respect to philosophy and the truth – it is a weak consciousness of unconditional value of truth and moral error judgments. Since it is impossible to live on.
Our cultural level it is necessary to develop in Russia, which will guide to higher forms of philosophical consciousness of our people. Russia needs a serious philosophical culture – universal, yet national. Do not create beauty and richness of knowledge, and create their "human spirit". Man's desire to penetrate the mysteries of the art of living makes it possible to develop creative, clean and strong thought. Actions express a thought, because we are responsible not only for our actions, but even more for thought. Strengthening that tradition contributes to the cultural revival of Russia. Russia will certainly be the bearer of philosophical world of the spirit and driving force of humanity.
Ramon Gallegos And Pedagogy
International Foundation for Holistic Education Holistic Education Master RAMON GALLEGOSY For Holistic Pedagogy, Fernando Alfonso Gamez Roman. 2009 Culiacan Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava is a pioneer in holistic education, his work is the approach of a whole new vision of reality and is aimed specifically to a new education proposal, which constitutes the spiritual heart. This new vision of reality, and his education reform proposal is the fruit of the flowering of your inner being, which is to process all your existing lake, from early childhood, to date, and further, since according to recounts in his autobiography, his yearning for the ineffable born with it. His childhood spent at the border, once the Mexican side and one in the United States, an important fact in his early desire to be the border with a more advanced country, but especially for the cultural movement that took place at that time: the call counterculture expressed extensively by various groups different philosophies, and artistic expression of those thoughts in this free environment, with the rich diversity of thoughts, takes place closer to the Eastern philosophy that is so inclined, all taught to be open, there are different races and creeds, different forms of seeing the world and it is possible to live together. Living the war very closely, was also a determining factor in the subsequent construction of a holistic vision of reality. The fighters of the war in Vietnam were mostly Chicano, part of the community, the neighborhood where he lived, the continued loss of life that did not escape reinforced their existential questions and his spiritual quest for peace movement and the strengthening of the movement counter that unleashed this conflict, fueled his curiosity and wonder.
The Kosmos
– The Teosfera (Spirit) spirit is developed in humans. The Kosmos is thus a series of layers within layers and within other layers where they all are intertwined in a holistic way. By integrating fisiosfera, biosphere, noosphere and teosfera and keep in tune we are working on building the base of a culture of peace and sustainability. Holistic education is the way forward of instrumental rationality to the evolution of consciousness. To learn the process of evolution of consciousness, Dr. Gallegos explains the structure of Ken Wilber Spiral Dynamics, which we know as human consciousness develops from birth to death according to their behavior, ranging from rudimentary to conduct superordinate behaviors he puts it in 8 levels in human existence that are based on research thoroughly verified.
Levels or memes (basic stage of development that can be expressed in any activity), are not rigid levels but flowing waves interrelated leading to the complex dynamics of spiral development of consciousness. It is a comprehensive model to focus on the awakening of consciousness, from its earliest stages up to the awareness and through this model lead to our self-reflection. The holistic curriculum. The holistic paradigm, integrating the knowledge of science, art, spirituality and traditions to create a culture of wisdom achieving this, overcome the fragmentation of knowledge which is divided into academic disciplines. Intelligences many are considered in the new paradigm, but which is above the others is intelligence that transcends spiritual and the other because it is the most comprehensive of all.
Fruitlogistica, German market for fruit and vegetables – ICEX
An example of the marketing of fruit and vegetables in Germany. This demonstrates the increasing complexity of positioning in the international market to companies interested. Not only must meet the requirements of different protocols to the country to which their products are targeted but just a sales strategy and logistics, as does Spain in ICEX-Germany. As if to erase any doubts of the need for a new market and a change of “attitude” of the Uruguayan players. Draw your own conclusions.