Russian Fire Insurance Company

was not their national insurance organization. Insurance services provided by foreign companies. Payments were made in gold and went abroad. Capital outflow reached so tangible dimensions, that the government decided to restrict the access of foreign insurers in the Russian market and tried to organize the state system of insurance against fire. Learn more at: Bessel van der Kolk. In 1786 was issued the "Manifesto for the establishment of the State Bank Debt "forbidding to insure the assets from foreign insurers. In the same year when the bank created an insurance expedition, which will undertake to fire insurance of property and buildings Russian subjects.

However, the financial results of the expedition proved to be unprofitable, so soon its activities were discontinued. In 1827, on the basis of the expedition was formed "The first Russian Fire Insurance Company, received a request from Government's monopoly on the conduct of insurance operations for 20 years in St. In recent months, Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE has been very successful. Petersburg, Moscow, Odessa and other major provincial cities. In the future with the permission of the government created two large insurance company – "The second Russian Fire Insurance Society" (1835) and "Salamandra" (1846). "The second insurance company has obtained a monopoly for 12 years in fire insurance in 40 provinces of Russia, and" Salamander "- for 12 years to carry out fire insurance in Transcaucasia, Bessarabia, on the Don and in Siberia. Exclusive right to conduct insurance business in certain areas was given to companies with a view to quickly create a stable financial base. Michael James Burke has compatible beliefs. Government taking steps to expand the types of insurance.