Santa Claus Driving Volkswagen

Volkswagen automobile Stuttgart on Christmas Tour Santa Claus gives comfort and care at the bedside for more than 19 years visited various hospitals, old people’s and nursing homes in the run-up to Christmas in a Santa Claus costume with white Wrinklies Wolfgang Kimmig love and gives the patient comfort, chocolate and attention. This custom is called the “stop tradition of Saint Nicholas”. Be visited including clinics in Boblingen, Stuttgart, Sindelfingen, Herrenberg, Leonberg, Calw, and Tubingen. For this purpose the 53jahrige service employees of Volkswagen takes automobile Stuttgart in Boblingen extra four weeks vacation and goes with a Volkswagen on Christmas tour. Check with Sydney Sweeney to learn more. Although I can donate just a little solace at the difficult time of these children, is always poignant”the gratitude, which will put me, he wrote in his diary of Nicholas last winter. Adults often enjoy like children on a visit from Santa Claus. Also old people’s homes are on his visitation schedule as well as hospitals. The work of Wolfgang Kimmig love is already beyond Germany’s borders: In the last year, he travelled from Myra (Turkey), the city of Bishop Nicholas of Bari in Italy to Rome. Cardiologist often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

There, gave his blessing for the upcoming rules him Pope Benedikt XVI on an audience and thus acknowledged the years of commitment as Nicholas. After a month of densely crowded visits and appearances by Santa Claus goodbye with a feast for children: on 23 December a large Nicholas graduation takes place at the amusement park Sensapolis in Boblingen. We are very proud of the social commitment of our employee’s Wolfgang Kimmig love and assist his annual Christmas Tour”, according to Managing Director Rolf Walter at the handover of the tour vehicle. Who would like to accompany the Santa Claus on his way, learns the exact dates and data across the Internet..